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World Languages

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Bilingual Language

MCPS is expanding its world language experience programs to more elementary schools, using a cadre of community volunteers. Learn here how you can help.


The goal of the world languages program is to prepare students to be linguistically and culturally competent in languages other than English. The ability to communicate in a culturally appropriate manner with speakers of other languages is the key to success in the increasingly diverse global community of the 21st century. As students develop proficiency in world languages and an understanding of the underlying values and beliefs of other cultures, they gain the skills that are essential to meaningful communication. World languages courses must be taken in sequential order. The prerequisite for all courses, except 1 A, is either successful completion of the preceding course or a local placement test.


High school graduates who can function in two or more languages are equipped with  the knowledge and skills to participate successfully in college, careers,and a diverse 21st century society. The Maryland Seal of Biliteracy is a diploma endorsement, authorized by Maryland law, that recognizes a student’s high level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages other than English.To receive a Maryland Seal of Biliteracy, a student must do the following: 

  • Pass the Maryland High School Assessment in English 10; AND 
  • Demonstrate Intermediate High proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in a language other than English, as measuredby assessments that are aligned to ACTFL (The AmericanCouncil on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) proficiency guidelines. 

For more information about the approved assessments, please visit the website


social studies

High School Graduation Requirements

Two credits in a world language or 2 credits in American Sign Language may be used to complete Option 1 of elective credits required for graduation.