Are you a change agent?
Preparing the path ahead for career and college readiness for our English Learners it's just what we do. We are not only leveling the playing field. We are changing the game with our innovative programs below.
Embodying our core guiding principles of language, rigor, and equity is our Advanced Curriculum for middle school students in ESOL levels 3-5. This is a Common Core Standards aligned curriculum with language amplified specializes this program for our higher language leveled proficiency students. Preparing our middle school students for a four-year high school pathway and preparedness for higher education or career readiness is paramount.
Beginning with comprehension seed lessons and extending to Common Core Standards aligned lessons establishes a firm foundation for our Multidisciplinary Education Training Support (METS) students with an interrupted formal education of two years or more. Access our comprehension literacy lessons and resources. Learn more about this programming and how we set the expectations high from day one for this unique, student population.
High, Middle and METS school programming have a comprehensive guide for ESOL teachers, middle school content specialists, high school ESOL resource teachers and administrators to guide the pathway for ESOL success.
Always evolving and changing for the best. Stay tuned as we create more projects to improve our English learner evidence of learning.