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ESOL/Bilingual Programs → American Indian Education Program (AIEP)

American Indian Education Program

Participation in the American Indian Education Program

The parents of eligible students interested in attending the AIEP must fill out the 506 form, a copy of which is mailed to the parents on request. Please fill out the form completely, then sign and date it. Return to: 

American Indian Education Program
Rocking Horse Road Center
4910 Macon Road
Rockville, MD 20852-2228 

Mission: The purpose of the American Indian Education Program (AlEP) is to address the culturally related academic needs of the American Indian/Alaska Native students enrolled in grades Head Start through Twelve in the Montgomery County Public Schools. The focus of the program is to supplement, not supplant, the academic program of the schools in which the students are enrolled. All enrichment activities take place after school, in the evenings, or during the summer.  

Tutoring Services

Tutoring services for all grades are available on Tuesday and Thursday from 6-9 PM and on Wednesday from 3-6 PM. A lending library, a computer lab, and materials for project completion are available on-site ­ 

    • The library holdings include a substantial collection of books on American Indian history, culture, art, and contemporary affairs. Also, fiction and non-fiction books are available for beginning, chapter-book, and young adult readers. Children may select books for book reports, to complete "25 Books Per Year" lists, or simply for personal enjoyment.  
    • The computer lab is outfitted with nine computers able to access all the MCPS sites -including Edline. A printer is available for homework and parents are welcome to stay while students complete their assignments.  
    • Students have access to the materials needed to complete everyday homework assignments, such as dictionaries, calculators, markers, maps, glue sticks, etc. Students may also plan, perform, and report upon larger projects, such as science fair entries or middle-school social studies presentations, but these projects typically take several study sessions.  

Summer Activities

Summer activities take place in the evenings and include 

    • Summer Math Camp
      Includes summer math packet completion
      Kindergarten -12th grade  
    • Summer SAT Prep
      Verbal and/or math
      8th grade -12th grade  
    • College Field Trip 
      • Summer/Early fall  
      • Visit colleges on East Coast  
      • Open to 6th to 12th graders  
      • College reference books and selection guides are in AIEP library.  

Special Events

    • Harvest Festival (potluck dinner, November)  
    • Winterfest (potluck dinner, December)  
    • Family Game Night (February)  
    • College Information Night (April)
      Parents, alums, guests talk about their college experiences  
    • Graduation celebration (potluck dinner, May)  


The AIEP treasures the wonderful volunteer tutors in our tutoring program. The National Honor Society of Rockville High School, Georgetown Prep, and others have provided valuable services in courses as varied as Geometry, Honors Algebra IT with Analysis, Mathematics C, Biology, Latin, and French, and second grade spelling and sixth grade reading as well. The AIEP welcomes volunteer tutors, both students and adults. Those middle-school and high-school students seeking to fulfill their Student Service Learning (SSL) requirements for graduation are encouraged to contact the program at 301-230-0659.