Student Service Learning (SSL)

  WJ SSL Coordinator
Ms. Ashley Weddle



Submitting SSL forms:

All SSL forms can be turned in electronically.  Please submit your completed, signed SSL form, to Ms. Weddle by email: Ashley Weddle.  If you have any trouble or do not have the capability to scan documents, please contact Ms. Weddle and she will work with you on submission alternatives.


The county does have specific guidelines that we have to work under.  Here is the link to the county's website for more information on those guidelines and other info -

If you have any questions at all, please email Ms. Weddle.

Check out the information about Student Service Learning on the MCPS website using these links: MCPS SSL Web | En español. All required forms can be printed from the MCPS SSL Web. 

Welcome back to school!!  I hope everyone enjoyed their summers! This is a reminder that any student who earned SSL hours this summer needs to turn in the SSL Verification Form to me by the last Friday in September, which is September 30th.  My office is located in the counseling office.  Students can hand it off to me directly or leave it in a bin outside my door that is marked SSL Forms.

If you still have questions about Student Service Learning after reviewing the information on these pages, talk to your counselor, or contact Ms. Weddle by email or in person in the Counseling Office.




SSL Activities must be preapproved. The county must approve service-learning activities. To check if the activity is approved go to If your organization is not pre-approved, you must complete the pre-approval form (560-50) and turn it in to Ms. Weddle before you begin the activity.