Introduction to SSL Handout:
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SSL Hours Earned
How to check your SSL hours on Student/Parent Vue
SSL Forms, Guidelines and Resources
MCPS SSL Hub for Students/Families.
SSL Opportunities
SSL Coordinators
High School SSL Coordinators
Middle School SSL Coordinators
SSL Program Overview Slideshow
We are seeking students interested in developing a video presentation with either a leadership moment or extracurricular skill to inspire, teach, and share with their MCPS peers and the greater MCPS community. Students may earn 10 SSL hours for successful submission of all items identified in the Student-To-Student Extracurricular Series Form. Learn more.
All nonprofit-hosted SSL opportunities can be found on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC) website. These opportunities are tagged with the blue MCPS SSL banner and graduation cap icon. Students may also directly access nonprofit-hosted MCPS SSL opportunities at and
Visit this link to review the guidelines for select virtual/remote service that students may complete under the sponsorship of an approved nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member: MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities
To continue meeting the service-learning needs of our students, students may engage in designated virtual/remote SSL opportunities under the sponsorship of an approved nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member. All virtual/remote service must meet the MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities, which have been created to ensure that any virtual/remote service maintains the safety and privacy of our students and adheres to the proper supervision and monitoring needed for SSL as a state graduation requirement.
Middle school and high school students may continue earning SSL hours towards their SSL graduation requirement by engaging in SSL opportunities during the summer and throughout the school year, including traditional in-person opportunities and select virtual/remote opportunities that follow the established MCPS SSL guidelines.
Nonprofit-Hosted SSL Opportunities MCPS SSL organizations and opportunities are tagged with the blue MCPS SSL banner and graduation cap icon on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC) website. |
All opportunities (including in-person): Virtual/remote opportunities: For additional tips on how to search for opportunities, please go to |
MCPS Form 560-50: Individual SSL Request Form Used to obtain pre-approval prior to service with a nonprofit organization not listed on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center (MCVC) as an MCPS SSL organization. |
To request pre-approval for service, please complete -- for in-person service, submit this form to your school’s SSL coordinator; for virtual/remote service, submit this form to |
MCPS Form 560-51: SSL Activity Verification Form Used to verify and document SSL hours after service is completed Student and supervisor must complete the form |
SSL Activity Verification Forms ( for service completed should be turned into your school’s SSL coordinator. (All SSL forms for service completed during the summer of 2023 should be submitted to your school’s SSL coordinator by the recommended due date of Friday, September 29, 2023, but no later than the required deadline of May 31, 2024.) |
Student SSL Records on Student/ParentVUE Step-by-step directions for viewing a student’s full SSL record |
Step-by-step directions may be found at |
MCPS SSL Program Overview Complete overview of SSL requirements, guidelines, process, awards, and forms |
MCPS SSL Program Overview may be found at |
MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote Service Virtual/remote guidelines will remain in place moving forward |
Review the Guidelines for Virtual/Remote Service at |
MCPS SSL Hub for Students SSL forms, translated resources, SSL guidelines, and more important information |
View the SSL forms, resources, and guidelines at |
Reminder: All SSL forms for service completed after June 1, 2023, should be submitted to the school’s SSL coordinator by the recommended due dates of September 29, 2023, and January 5, 2024, but no later than the required deadline of May 31, 2024.
Middle School SSL Coordinators
If you have any questions about the SSL program during the summer, please email the MCPS SSL office at
If you have any questions about the SSL program during the school year, please email your school’s SSL coordinator.
Want to learn more? See this presentation detailing the state of Maryland and MCPS requirements for SSL, how students can earn SSL hours, how students can access virtual/remote opportunities, and an overview of the MCPS SSL program and its resources.
Time Frame of Service | Documentation Due Date |
Service completed during the summer | September 29, 2023 |
Service completed during the summer and 1st semester | January 5, 2024 |
Service completed during the summer, 1st semester, and 2nd semester | May 31, 2024* |
**All SSL Forms for service completed after June 1, 2023, through the end of the 2023-2024 school year, are REQUIRED to be submitted to the school SSL Coordinator no later than May 31, 2024 |
Award | Documentation Due Date |
Documentation that qualifies seniors for Certificates of Meritorious Service | April 5, 2024* |
Documentation that qualifies middle school students for the Superintendent’s SSL Award. This award is given to students who meet the 75 hour graduation requirement during middle school and is only awarded once. | April 5, 2024* |
*The required deadline for all documentation that qualifies seniors for Certificates of Meritorious Service and middle school students for the Superintendent’s SSL Award is April 5, 2024. All SSL forms (MCPS Form 560-51: Student Service Learning Activity Verification) should be submitted to the school’s SSL coordinator by April 5, 2024, to be considered for these awards.
*Any high school senior who has submitted documentation to show the completion of 240 SSL hours or more by April 5, 2024, will earn the Certificate of Meritorious Service along with a purple tassel for graduation. Any middle school student who has submitted documentation to show the completion of the 75-hour SSL graduation requirement (for the first time in middle school) by April 5, 2024, will receive the Superintendent’s SSL Award.
*Traditionally, the required deadline for all SSL forms every school year is the first Friday in June. However, due to the timing of this year’s academic calendar, the deadline for submitting SSL forms for the 2023-2024 school year will be May 31, 2024, to allow SSL Coordinators enough time to review and process all forms before the end of the school year.
All SSL Forms for service completed any time during the current school year and the summer before the current school year are REQUIRED to be submitted to the school SSL coordinator no later than the May 31, 2024.
Students, please do not use as your contact information when registering. Please use another email address.
Martin Luther King III recorded this video for MCPS students and staff sharing appreciation for their service, acknowledging the challenges of the past few years, and encouraging acts of service and expressions of gratitude as it fosters well-being.