
Ms. W. Campbell Ms. Mader Ms. Mendez   
Ms. Ray      


Monthly Homework

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  MCPL book list for             kindergarten


To see the Kindergarten Curriculum including subjects and quarter, click here.


In December

We would like to thank our kindergarten families for making our Family Engagement Night a success. It was a fun-filled learning experience for families to see writing in Kindergarten and how we do Words Their Way. We are so glad you came! Kindergarten will continue Words Their Way homework in December. Your child has been doing Words Their Way In their classroom for the last few months so they are familiar with the routine and know what to do. Please remember to read for 15 minutes each night!     

During the month of December, in reading, kindergarteners will be reading both literacy text and informational text. They will be asking and answering questions, identifying the role of the author and illustrator, making real life connections to the text, and identifying new vocabulary. The students will also work on reading comprehension, letter-sound relationships, and reading strategies. Kindergarteners will be focusing on reading and writing the words am, look, we, and me. They will also work on identifying the sounds and writing the letters Aa, Dd, Bb, and Pp.


In math, our students will focus on number concepts, such as counting and comparing numerals to number words and quantities. They will be counting by1’s and 10’s to 50 and 100. Students will begin modeling addition and subtraction word problems.


In science, students will study plants and animal lifecycles and will observe the lifecycle of the darkling beetles in their classrooms. In social studies, kindergarten students will identify human and natural resources. They will identify various landforms and bodies of water.


In writing, kindergarten students will focus on forming and writing the letters. They will also be focusing on writing narratives/stories and sharing experiences about familiar places and events. Students will continue to practice writing familiar words and sounding out their words in their writing.


In January


We would like to thank our kindergarten families for all your support this year. Your dedication and support helps your child be successful.  Kindergarten will continue Words Their Way homework and the homework calendar each night. Please help your child with their homework, but remember that they should be doing it themselves. Please remember your child should read for 15 minutes each night!  


During the month of January in reading, we will understand the comprehension of literary text. We will identify the beginning, middle and end of a text. We will identify main characters, retelling, and character actions in books. We will ask and answer questions to clarify meaning. Kindergarteners will be focusing on reading and writing the words on, you, up and said.  They will also work on identifying the sounds and writing the letters Dd, Rr, Uu, and Jj,. In math, our students will focus on number concepts, such as counting and comparing numerals to number words and quantities. They will be counting by1’s and 10’s to 50 and 100. Students will begin modeling addition and subtraction word problems. We will decompose numbers. 


 In science, We will learn the life cycle of a mealworm, what all organisms need to survive and grow, designing a habitat, and plants found in Maryland. We will observe our darkling beetles. We will observe external features of animals.


In social studies, kindergarten students will discuss wants and needs that humans have. We will discuss good and bad choices we can make. 

In writing, students will focus on forming and writing the letters. We will write our own ideas, develop our topics, and write about our feelings using sensory details in our writing. We will edit our writing, and write stories with a beginning, middle and end. Students will continue to practice writing familiar words and sounding out their words in their writing.  


In February


Kindergarten will continue Words Their Way homework in February. Your child has been doing Words Their Way In their classroom for the last few months so they are familiar with the routine and know what to do. Please remember to read for 15 minutes each night! 


During the month of February, in reading, kindergarteners will be reading both literacy text and informational text. They will be retelling familiar stories, identifying story elements, comparing and contrasting experiences or adventures of characters in stories, making connections between words and their use, and asking and answering questions. Kindergarteners will be focusing on reading and writing the words said, can, for, did, is.  They will also work on identifying the sounds and writing the letters Mm, Nn, Kk, Ww, and Xx.  In math, our students will focus on describing, comparing, and composing 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be counting by ones to 100 and decomposing numbers up to 10 in more than one way.


In science, students will study external features of plants and animals found in Maryland and learn about different habitats.


In social studies, kindergarten students will identify resources used to make products as well as human resources. 

In writing, students will focus on forming and writing the letters. They will also be focusing on writing informative books on a topic. Students will continue to practice writing familiar words and sounding out their words in their writing. 

In March

Kindergarten will continue Words Their Way homework in March. Your child has been doing Words Their Way In their classroom for the last few months so they are familiar with the routine and know what to do. Please remember to read for 15 minutes each night!  

During the month of March, in reading, kindergarteners will be reading informational text. They will be asking and answering questions about the main topic and unknown words. Students will also name the author and illustrator and define the roles of each. Kindergarteners will be focusing on reading and writing the words is, play, this.  They will also work on identifying the sounds and writing the letters Xx, Vv, Yy. In math, our students will focus on counting by ones to 100 and decomposing numbers up to 10 in more than one way. Students will also work on fluently adding and subtracting within 10.


In science, students will study external features of plants and animals and classify animals.


In social studies, kindergarten students will identify situations where people make economic choices and identify goods and services.


In writing, students will focus on forming and writing the letters. They will also be focusing on writing about their opinion on a topic. Students will continue to practice writing familiar words and sounding out their words in their writing. 


In November


During the month of November, in reading, kindergarteners will be focusing on reading and writing the words to, like, and, and my.  The students will also work on reading comprehension, letter-sound relationships, and reading strategies.  In math, our students will focus on number concepts, such as counting and comparing (longer/shorter, most/fewest, and longest/shortest), and measuring lengths and weights of objects.  In science, students will study seasonal changes, plants, and plant life cycles.  In social studies, kindergarten students will study models of objects as representations of real things, physical features, landforms, bodies of water, and planet earth.  In writing, students will focus on forming and writing the letters Hh, Oo, Cc, and Qq.  They will also be focusing on generating lists of writing topics, using details in their writing, and sequencing story events.