Announcements, Newsletters , and Letters
2022-2023 School Year

This page contains links to weekly newsletters, the folder of daily announcements, and other important letters or communications that have come out during the school year.

Weekly Newletters from Ms. Thomas

Daily Announcements

2021 Additional Information & Letters

Attendance and E3 Policy

You can find detailed information about QO’s implementation of the County mandated E3 policy which we will begin to implement with fidelity the second semester online - Letter in English and en Espanol. On Tuesday, January 29, 2019 we began implementing E3 procedures as written in Regulation JEA-RA, Student Attendance and we reviewed it with students. Parents and Guardians will receive a MCPS 3-day warning letter of possible failure due to attendance and a MCPS 5-day letter notifying of failure due to attendance. Please read the letter and discuss the implications of unlawful absences.  The QO Policy for 2019-2020 is available online for student and parent reference. 

Parent Permission for GSuite Services

Permission forms were distributed during 1st period on Monday, 10/8 to all students. MCPS is required to have parents complete these forms in order to allow their students to have access to G Suite for Education Additional Services such as Blogger, Chrome Web Store, Google Earth, Google Takeout, and YouTube (only for MCPS Approved videos). These forms need to be completed for all students indicating either allowing or not allowing your students to have access to these services. Please complete the form and have students return it to their 1st period teacher by Friday, 10/12. Students who do not have forms on file will not be able to access certain content starting November 1st.  Form in EnglishSpanishKoreanVietnameseFrench, and Chinese.

MSDE Report Card and Info for the Community

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has released a new accountability report card for every school in the state of Maryland.  Informational letters with links to our report card and an explanation of what is being reported in the new system available in both English and Spanish.