Student Service Learning (SSL) 


  • The MCPS SSL guidelines for virtual/remote service will remain in place beyond this school year and moving forward. MCPS will continue to offer select school-hosted and nonprofit-hosted virtual/remote SSL opportunities to students, in addition to in-person SSL opportunities, as part of the SSL program. A full list of these guidelines may be found at


Message for Students and Families:


To meet the service-learning needs of our students during this time period, we are excited to announce that students can now earn Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for virtual/remote service completed from home under the sponsorship of an approved nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member. Students may engage in designated virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities until schools return to normal status. To view the temporarily amended MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities, please click on this link. These guidelines have been created to ensure that any virtual/remote service during this time maintains the safety and privacy of our students and adheres to the proper supervision and monitoring needed for SSL as a state graduation requirement. School-hosted virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities will be communicated by school staff to the students involved. Nonprofit-hosted virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities will be posted on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website ( and tagged with the blue MCPS SSL banner and graduation cap icon.


Looking for ways to earn SSL hours—or just to serve needs in the community? Use the red box on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center’s website ( to find opportunities by keyword, date, location, and more. Those marked with a graduation cap are pre-approved for SSL hours.

  Click here to see targeted LPMS opportunities available now. 

  What is Student Service Learning?

Student Service Learning (SSL) is a graduation requirement for students in Maryland. You will have to complete 75 hours of service work with a non-profit organization before you graduate.

What are the steps for Student Service Learning?


Find out what you'll be doing, what's expected of you and why the service work is necessary.


Direct Action brings you face-to-face with the people you are helping such as tutoring children to read.

Indirect Action is work that needs to get done, but you don't meet the people you're helping, such as collecting clothing for the homeless.

Advocacy Action deals with social or political issues of interest, such as writing letters to legislators supporting your view on social issues.


Once you've completed your service activity it's time to look back, think, and write about how your time and service has helped others. What have you learned about yourself? What have you learned about the people you are helping?

You have to fill out a form. You can pick one up in the LPMS Counseling Office or print out the Student Service Learning Activity Verification form 560-51 from the SSL homepage and turn it into the main office at LPMS.

How do I keep track of my hours?

Your hours are listed on your report card in the upper right hand corner! It keeps track of how many hours you've earned and how many you still need. All of your hours are recorded from middle school through high school.

Where can I find approved service opportunities?

Online, of course. Just go to the Service Opportunities section of the SSL web site and you can search by interest, agency and/or location.  

What if I would like to complete a service activity that is not on the approved list?

 You must submit the Application for Special Activity Form 560-50 to your school’s SSL coordinator BEFORE the activity if the organization or activity is not listed as approved for SSL. Once the SSL coordinator has approved and signed off on the form you may then complete the activity as you would any other. 

Are there deadlines for turning in SSL verification forms to the SSL coordinator?

YES!!!!! You should turn in the SSL Verification form for an activity by the end of the grading period for which that activity was done in. For instance, if Johnny Apple helped out at a soup kitchen on October 13th, then he needs to be sure to turn that SSL form in by the end of the first quarter. Those hours will show up on that 1st quarter report card!


Recognition for SSL Service 

All students who meet the 75-hour SSL high school graduation requirement while still in middle school are recognized with the Superintendent’s Student Service Learning Award.   

Make sure to check deadline information