Join Farquhar Middle School's Production of Legally Blonde

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View Archives of Ms. Rivas-Smith's Weekly Newsletter


On March 12th from 6:00-7:30 p.m., please join us for a vibrant celebration of cultures featruing food, music, performances and activities that showcase the diversity of our community.  This event is FREE! If you have questions, please email


March 11, 12, 13 from 3:10 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. Activity buses are available.

Register for Soccer Tryouts Here

Please see Ms. Smith's Roadrunner's Digest for further details.

TIMELY: Photos for the Yearbook.

We are collecting photos for this year's yearbook and need your help! We are looking for pictures from school activities, school sponsored events and team sports, including basketball, band, orchestra, and more!

Deadline:  March 14th

How to Submit: email the pictures to


We are hosting our 4th  Annual STEAM Night on Thursday May 1, 2025 from   6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please see Ms. Smith's Roadrunner's Digest for additional details about this exciting event. If you are interested in becoming a Presenter/Volunteer to showcase a project, provide a STEAM activity or share information about STEAM related clubs and activities, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM.

New - 6th Grade Summer Orientation

  • Tuesday, July 29 and Wednesday July 30
  • 2 sessions each day (Morning & Afternoon)
  • Sign-Up Genius will be available in June
  • Students attend only ONE session

2024-2025 YEARBOOKS on Sale Now!

Purchase your yearbook today. The current price is $35. You may purchase a yearbook by clicking here.  Reminder: we only purchase pre-ordered yearbooks so be sure to order early.

Chromebook Missing?

If your student has misplaced or lost their Chromebook, we need to know. Many times we can assist in the recovery.  Students must bring their Chromebook charged every day. We allow them to borrow a Chromebook for a several days while we actively search for the device; however, we need to know that it is missing. After 5 consecutive days with a loaner device a $312 and will be assessed on your student's account. Please see Ms. Smith's Roadrunner's Digest for additional details. 

FMS Course Bulletin 2025-2026

The William H. Farquhar Middle School Course Bulletin for the 2025-2026 school year is now available. Please click here to access the this important information.

You may also view the slideshow from the Incoming 6th Grade Curriculum Night by clicking here

PTA (Parent Teachers Association)

Please see Ms. Smiths, Roadrunner's Digest for recent PTA information. 

Join Today.The PTA is an acitve voice on decisions that impact your child and build a stronger, more inclusive school community. The PTA supports math English and science materials and programs; field trips; parent/family resources; guidance and wellness initiatives. Please join the FMS PTA and make a donation to support our school. Click here to join.

Last Year's (2023-2024) Yearbooks Still Available For Purchase!

If you forgot to purchase a 2023-2024 yearbook, please contact the front office for details on how to purchase and pick-up. 

Registration For New Students

  • If you are trying to register your student at FMS from another MCPS school because you have moved, please email Ms. Mora and attach a copy of your lease or settlement statent, your ID and your students MCPS ID number.  Please send in .pdf format.
  • If you are trying to register your student at FMS from another MD county or out-of-state, please book an appointment with Ms. Mora. See link below.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Mora by email

News and Announcements