Officers' Duties and Time Commitment


President:  Presides at all meetings of our PTSA. Coordinates the work of the Officers and Committee Chairs. Works closely with the Principal or her/his designated point of contact; represents our PTSA at MCCPTA meetings or sends an alternate.

Time Commitment: Ongoing, with some times busier than others and occasional meetings during the school day

Two Vice Presidents (one each for Communications and Programs):  Each acts as an aide to the President and performs the duties of President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve – in the order designated above.

Time Commitment: Ongoing, with some times busier than others.

Secretary:  Records the minutes of all meetings of our PTSA and is prepared to read the records of the previous meetings when called upon.  Files all records, has a current copy of the bylaws, and maintains a membership list.

Time Commitment: Ongoing

Treasurer:  Has custody of all funds of our PTSA and keeps a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures.  Makes disbursements as authorized by the President or Officers, in accordance with the budget adopted by our PTSA, and presents a written financial statement at every PTSA meeting.  Is responsible for the maintenance of the financial account in conformance with our PTSA bylaws. Is responsible for preparing and filing all necessary tax forms and has the accounts examined at the close of the fiscal year upon change of treasurer by an auditor or an auditing committee of not less than 3 persons.

Time Commitment: Ongoing, with some times busier than others.