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Emergency Resources

Indoor Activities

To assist school staff and parents in dealing with restrictions on outdoor activity, the Division of Arts, Health, and Physical Education has compiled a package of developmentally appropriate games, tasks, and projects in physical education, choral and instrumental music, and art that can be used during recess or to relieve stress at other times during the day.

The activities were originally designed for classroom use, but many of them can be adapted for use at home or in other settings. Most of the activities are appropriate for younger children, but some may be used with older children as well.

Mental Health Resources

Many excellent mental health resources have been designed to help students, families, and staff cope with stress and uncertainty. These resources were developed by school system psychologists, pupil personnel workers, and guidance counselors, in collaboration with the Montgomery County Crisis Center and the Mental Health Association of Montgomery County.

Parent Tips for Helping Children Handle Tragic Events

Other Mental Health Resources

Montgomery County Government

Federal Government

Other Resources