Substance Use Prevention and Resiliency Education (SUPRE) is a screening and psychoeducational substance-use program. It is designed to address:
High school students who have committed their first substance use disciplinary incident on school property
The essentials of Be Well 365, especially Mental and Emotional Health, Physical Health and Wellness, and Restorative Justice
Vision: Our vision is to have students and families that are informed about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle, encouraging low-risk behaviors and to have significantly higher numbers of healthy, drug-free young people in our community.
Mission: The mission of SUPRE is to increase student and parent awareness of the potential consequences of substance use, as well as develop refusal skills and mindfulness through a targeted and participatory educational course.
Goal: Upon completion of the program, the goal is not for a student to be asked "What are you going to do to not put us in this situation again?" but "How can we support you in order to not be in this situation again?"