Student Voice on MCPS Budget Advisory Committee
MCPS Budget Advisory Committee is Seeking Student Participants
The MCPS Budget Advisory Committee is seeking additional student representation. Committee meetings will be held from 4-6PM virtually and in-person throughout the year up until the MCPS budget is approved.Please read the opportunity below:
The Budget Advisory Committee is a group of individuals from the community representing a broad spectrum of interests that advise the superintendent on developing the recommended operating budget that the interim superintendent will present to the Board of Education in December. It has been said that the operating budget is the strategic plan in numbers. It is important that we have the student voice in the discussions on the formulation of the operating budget since the mission of MCPS is to ensure that Every student will have the academic, creative problem solving, and social emotional skills to be successful in college and career.
Interested students should email with the following information:
- Student Name
- Student ID Number
- Email address
- School for Fall 2023
- Grade for Fall 2023
- Paragraph sharing why you are interested in serving on the MCPS Budget Advisory Team. Please include what you wish to gain from the experience and what you have to potentially add to the team.
Mrs. Cherry will maintain a roster of student interests and select a group of students that reflect a cross representation of the district.