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Maryland General Assembly Page Program

Since 1970, Maryland's high school seniors have had the opportunity to learn about the legislative process by serving as student pages in the Senate and the House of Delegates during the annual session of the Maryland General Assembly (MGA). Each year, 105 pages and 36 alternates are selected from across the State to represent their schools and counties in Annapolis. Each selected page will serve two nonconsecutive weeks in either the State Senate or the House of Delegates. The duties of the page revolve around the schedule of the chamber to which the page is assigned, and may include keeping bill books up-to-date, distributing materials on the floor to members, assisting visitors and delivering messages to members.

This school year, the Maryland General Assembly (MGA) will host student Pages in-person for the 2023 Legislative Session. The activities of student Pages will revolve around the schedule of the chamber to which the page is assigned. Whenever their house (Senate or House of Delegates) is in session, Pages must be present. Duties include things like, keeping the members’ bill books up to date, distributing materials on the floor to the members, running errands, assisting visitors, and delivering messages to the members. After each day's session, Pages may be assigned additional work in the legislative chambers or committee rooms.

This opportunity is for current high school seniors.

For more information about the program, you can view the Maryland General Assembly Page flier here and the Student Information sheet sheet.

If you would like to apply, you must complete two parts of the application:

  1. This MGA Page application, which requires a parent signature. (You will need to make a copy of the document to be able to edit it). You will submit this part of the application electronically, through the supplemental application form below (#2). A hard copy also must be sent to:
     Michelle Dean
     850 Hungerford Drive, CESC, Room 269
     Rockville, MD 20850.
  2. This supplemental application form which will be reviewed by the selection committee. Students will also need to upload the above application (#1) through this form.

The supplemental application form, which includes an upload of the MGA Page application, is due by 5:00pm on Monday, October 31st. The hard copy MGA Page application should be received in our office by no later than Monday, November 7th.