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Conditional Certificate Information

Conditional Degree Certificate (CDC) or Conditional Non-Degree Certificate (CNDC)

How Long Is This Certificate Valid?

Valid 2 Years


Issued only at the request of a local school system superintendent to an applicant employed in a local school system who does not meet all regular certification requirements.


Star - whiteFailure to satisfactorily complete the minimum requirements during the two-year validity period will result in termination of employment. 

Conditional Degree Certificate
Valid for 2 Years


Conditional Non-degree Certificate
Valid for 2 Years


Issued to professionals who do not meet all certification requirements for a regular certificate.

Issued to trades and industries professionals who do not meet all certification requirements and for whom a bachelor’s degree is not a requirement.

Only one CDC may be issued in each of the circumstances below. 

  1. A professional who only needs to pass tests; OR

  2. A professional who must pass tests AND complete 12 shrs or less of course work.

Verification of passing test(s) scores and all applicable course work must be submitted by the expiration of the CDC.

Only one CNDC may be issued in the circumstance below.

A professional who must complete 12 shrs or less of course work.

Verification all applicable course work must be submitted by the expiration of the CNDC.

More than one CDC may be issued to a professional who must pass Praxis I & II tests AND complete more than 12 shrs of course work. 

Initial CDC:
Verification of passing Praxis I scores and a minimum of 12 shrs course work must be submitted by the expiration of the initial CDC.

Final CDC:
Verification of passing Praxis II scores and all remaining course work must be submitted by the expiration of the final CDC.

More than one CNDC may be issued to a professional who must complete more than 12 shrs of course work. 

Initial CNDC:
Verification of a minimum of 12 shrs course work must be submitted by the expiration of the CDC.

Final CNDC:
Verification of all remaining course work must be submitted by the expiration of the CNDC.


Certificate Processing Fee

A fee is charged by MSDE for issuance of a certificate and for each renewal. Effective January 1, 2004, this non-refundable fee is collected through automatic payroll deduction. Currently, a fee is not charged for adding new endorsements.

MSDE General Certificate Info