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Teachers can request boxes when moving from one MCPS location to another. Requests can be made through the Moving Assistance request form (coming soon!)


Schools and offices can purchase two types of boxes through our warehouse store for instructional, organizational, and office needs. 
  • Storage File Box, Cardboard, W/Lid, Both Legal/Letter, UNV95224, item number 0721271, sold in packs of 12
  • Moving boxes, corrugated, packing 17x1/4x11 1/4x12, item number 9525100, sold in packs of 25
  • Boxes can also be ordered in the business hub+ from the Staples punchout store
We encourage staff to utilize boxes already in schools and offices. These can be copy paper boxes, Food and Nutrition delivery boxes, and other delivery boxes such as amazon, UPS, and Staples. 


Schools undergoing construction projects will have boxes provided for use if moving locations or considerable packing up of materials is necessary. Construction project managers will consult and coordinate with the Department of Materials Management. 


DMM Warehouse Catalog



If you have questions, please email