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Reporting IAQ Problems

(For Staff and Parents)


The MCPS Indoor Air Quality Unit (IAQ) is charged with addressing problems related to indoor environmental conditions at all MCPS facilities. Examples of such problems include health concerns associated with building or room conditions, unusual odors, moisture problems, and suspected mold growth. MCPS personnel and parents can report these types of problems to IAQ using the following downloadable forms:

Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form (MCPS Form 230-23)

Building Services Indoor Air Quality Checklist (MCPS Form 230-24)

The recommended process for using these forms to report problems is provided below

•  Requestor completes MCPS Form 230-23, Indoor Air Quality Complaint, and submits it to his/her supervisor or the principal.

•  The principal/supervisor reviews the 230-23 and provides a copy to the building service manager.

•  The building service manager conducts an initial investigation and completes MCPS Form 230-24, Building Services Indoor Air Quality Checklist.

•  The building service manager provides a copy of the completed 230-24 to the requestor and discusses his/her findings and corrective work with the requestor and the principal/supervisor.

•  The principal/supervisor completes the “Action Taken” section of the 230-23 form and signs it; copies are provided to the building service manager, principal/supervisor, requestor, and the requestor's union (if applicable).

•  The requestor completes and signs the “Followup” section of the 230-24.

•  The building service manager and principal/supervisor sign the 230-24; copies are provided to the building service manager, principal/supervisor, requestor, and the requestor's union (if applicable).

•  Copies of the 230-23 and 230-24 are submitted to MCPS IAQ.

•  If the 230-23 or 230-24 indicates the problem has not been resolved, an Environmental Safety Specialist or Team Leader initiates an investigation.

Copies of the forms can be faxed to 301-284-4907 or sent by Pony to MCPS Indoor Air Quality Unit – Central Maintenance and Operations Service Center.

Problems related to room temperatures, faulty ventilation equipment operation, asbestos-containing materials, and pests should be addressed through work orders submitted to Division of Maintenance and Operations.

IAQ-related emergencies should be reported immediately by calling 240-740-2520 or 240-740-2323.

IAQ follows a sequential protocol for complaint response upon receiving each complaint.

IAQ Complaint Response Protocol

Complaint Reception/Routing

1. MCPS Indoor Air Quality Unit receives a complaint.

2. The complaint is provided to an Environmental Team Leader.

3. The Environmental Team Leader assigns priority status (emergency, non-emergency).

Indoor Air Quality Evaluation

4. The Environmental Team Leader (investigator)either assigns the complaint to and Environmental Safety Specialist (investigator) or visits the facility associated with the complaint himself (immediately for emergencies; within 5 business days for non-emergencies).

5. The investigator interviews the complainant and other personnel with relevant information, such as the Building Service Manager, Plant Equipment Operator, Division of Maintenance personnel, the complainant's supervisor, and other building occupants.

6. The investigator evaluates indoor air conditions for affected locations. This can involve:

  • Visual inspection for indoor air problems (water leaks, possible fungal growth, poor room cleanliness, ventilation-related problems, other potential contaminant sources and pathways, building construction/modification-related problems).
  •   Inspection of ventilation equipment for proper operation and cleanliness.
  •   Quantitative measurement of indoor air conditions (air temperature, carbon dioxide concentrations, carbon monoxide concentrations, relative humidity levels).
  • Quantitative measurement of potential air contaminants.
  •   Qualitative evaluation of moisture content of building materials and room surfaces.
  •   Review of relevant Division of Maintenance and Operations work order records for the facility.

7. The investigator identifies potential causes for the complaint.

8. The investigator determines corrective action, if needed.

9. The investigator notifies the complainant, the complainant's supervisor, the Principal (or facility administrator), the Building Service Manager, and other interested individuals of identified problems and planned corrective action.

Corrective Action

10. The investigator assigns corrective tasks to MCPS personnel (Building Service Manager, Division of Maintenance and Operations Service Center personnel, Division of Design and Construction personnel, facility administrative staff) as appropriate.

11. If necessary, the IAQ unit hires contractors to complete corrective work.

12. The investigator verifies completion of corrective work.

14. The investigator notifies the complainant, the complainant's supervisor, the Principal (or facility administrator), the Building Service Manager, and other interested individuals of corrective action completion.

15. Necessary follow-up action (re-evaluation, additional corrective work, etc.) can be initiated by the IAQ unit, the complainant, or other affected individuals.

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