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Division of Sustainability and Compliance

Our Mission

The Division of Sustainability and Compliance supports student success by elevating the school system’s approach to environmental stewardship and by leading change to incorporate sustainable considerations in all decisions. Our work aims to ensure that healthy learning and working environments are equitably accessible across MCPS. We embrace our shared responsibility to build and operate facilities that contribute to the well-being of the school community, and the health of the planet.

Our Vision

MCPS will be at the forefront of environmental stewardship using innovation, partnerships, and creative thinking to inspire significant, positive, and meaningful contributions that will sustain resilient communities for current and future generations.

News and Updates

Sustainability Action Plans are due September 30

Woman holding a clipboard with a Sustainability Action Plan form.

Each year, schools must complete a Sustainability Action Plan (SAP), MCPS Form 201-10, and submit it to the Division of Sustainability and Compliance no later than September 30. The SAP is an opportunity to tell us about the great sustainability programs that are taking place at your school and to learn about tips for successful sustainable actions. 

Completing the form is simple: 

  • List the names of your recycling coordinator, food waste diversion coordinator, sustainability team leader, and team members.
  • If your school has a student-led environmental club, tell us all about it. 
  • Let DSC know how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals. 

If you need assistance completing your SAP, please email


Tree Planting at Rocky Hill Middle School


In April, the MCPS Division of Sustainability and Compliance (DSC) and the Outdoor Environmental Education Programs (OEEP) partnered with the Montgomery County Forestry Board and the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Tree Montgomery program, and worked closely with Rocky Hill Middle School’s environmental club to plant eight shade trees at the school. This project was part of a larger effort to add 45 new shade trees around the school. The benefits of shade trees are far-reaching and go well beyond the school boundaries. The local actions by the students help them to reflect and ensure that our natural environment remains cleaner and preserved for the present and future generations. 

This effort is part of MCPS Policy ECA, Sustainability, which includes adoption of “measures to address resiliency and awareness, such as increasing the tree canopy and outdoor educational spaces on MCPS properties and mitigating stormwater runoff.”

New Website Links Climate Planning, Progress and Action



Montgomery County has unveiled a new website dedicated to the County's actions on climate change. The website brings the County's array of climate planning, progress, and actions under one, easy-to-navigate portal. Click here to visit the site:

Why Electrify Everything? 

Electrify Everything
Since 1992, Montgomery County has celebrated "Energy Action Month" each October. Last year, they focused all of their efforts on the phrase, "ELECTRIFY EVERYTHING!" Montgomery County has long been a national leader in responding to the challenge of climate change. Setting aggressive GHG emissions reduction targets, the County aims to reduce GHG by 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035.  The only way to tackle the impacts of climate change is to electrify everything. For more information, click here.

Professional Development Sessions

Professional development sessions are available for schools seeking Maryland Green Schools certification. Click here and go to "Resources for Staff" to learn more and register.

MCPS Adopts Transformative Sustainability Policy 

On June 28, 2022, the Montgomery County Public Schools Board of Education unanimously adopted a transformative sustainability policy. Titled Policy ECA, Sustainability, the policy commits the school district to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, in line with the County's Climate Action Plan. To achieve this, the policy centers on environmental sustainability in every aspect of MCPS, from the type of energy powering school buildings to the depth of climate change education students receive in the classroom.  

"It's not just new construction, it's the way we think about transportation … it's the way we think about our athletic fields. We see emails about 'the grass [being] too long'. That will become the norm: restoring the public space to natural space as part of climate initiatives," explained Seth Adams, Director of the Department of Facilities Management, at the June 28th Board Business Meeting. Click here to read the full article published in My Green Montgomery.  

Voluntary Guidance and Resources: Increasing the Use of Outdoor Spaces 

Read about the important guidance and resources for those interested in Increasing the Use of Outdoor Spaces on school sites for activities including lunch, recess, and learning.

What Can I Do About Climate Change?


Climate Change_What can I do

What can my family, friends, and I do in our everyday lives to combat climate change and create a more resilient Montgomery County?  To learn more about Montgomery County Climate Action Plan, click here.
If you missed any previous presentations or events, click here and scroll down to Archive of Events and Presentations to view.

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