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Editorial Help Desk



Word of the Month

Hegemony: (Noun) Preponderant influence or authority over others (social, cultural, economic, or ideologic).


In a world increasingly dominated by the Google/Apple/Facebook/Amazon hegemony, we hear a lot about the threat to privacy.
New York Times Jan 7, 2018

Few entrants appear willing to break the hegemony of English lyrics, which account for 25 of the 39 entries.
BBC May 25, 2010


Tip of the Month

Cheat sheet for using to and from and the en dash

 From 300 to 400 or between 300 and 400  From 300–400; between 300 to 400
 From 2019 to 2021  From 2019–2021
 His 2020–2022 attendance (use en dash)  
 He attended from 2020 to 2022  He attended from 2020–2022
 From 2020 to 2022  Between 2020 and 2022
 A snowfall of 8 to 10 inches  A snowfall of from 8 to 10 inches

From The Elephants of Style by Bill Walsh.


As always, when in doubt, check it out! Contact the Editorial Help Desk for help (



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MCPS Acronyms (PDF)

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Correspondence Manual 2019

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MCPS Interactive Correspondence Manual

Editorial Stylebook

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MCPS Interactive Editorial Stylebook