Health Room

The school health team is staffed by a School Community Health Nurse, Ms. Tracy Outlaw (RN) and a School Health Technician, Ms. Mary Rochon (SHRT). The school nurse and SHRT provide triage, emergency services, and first aid. The school health room tech works under the license of the school nurse. Services provided include emergency care for students and staff, communicable disease prevention and control, identification of health concerns, establishment of health care plans, and case management of students with health-related concerns.

A student requiring health room care must request a pass to the health room from his/her teacher, except in cases of serious illness or injury. Parents will be contacted by health room staff for all students needing to go home or to an appropriate medical facility.

Medications: In order for Health Room staff to administer medications during the school day, an Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication form, completed and signed by a physician and a parent/guardian, must be on file for each medication, including over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin. Forms are also available from the Health Room.

Enrollment Health Forms

If you are registering a new student to MCPS, in addition to updated Immunization records, you will need the following forms to be completed and returned to school:

    • Please complete part I and have the Pediatrician complete part II 
    • Please complete section I and have the Dentist complete section II

*If your child is uninsured, please contact the School Nurse at 240-740-4642

Incoming 6th graders

Montgomery County Public Schools and the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services recommend that all children entering Grade 6 be examined by a health care provider and a dentist.

Please submit the following forms to the health room upon entering Grade 6:

    • Please complete part I and have the Pediatrician complete part II 
    • Please complete section I and have the Dentist complete section II

Incoming 7th graders

The Maryland school immunization regulations (COMAR 10.06.04) require children enrolled in school to show proof of having completed required immunizations.

All Grade 7 students must have both a Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) and meningococcal (MCV) vaccine. Parents/Guardians are urged to provide to the health room the documentation of the Tdap and MCV immunizations as soon as possible this current school year, or before the first day of school next year.

Immunization Record MDH_896_form.pdf

Medication Administration during School Hours

If your child needs to take medications during school hours, please complete section I of the form and have the doctor complete and sign the form. Ensure that you are bringing a new medication bottle to the school and that the ordering doctor is the same doctor listed on the medication. All over the counter medications need a form filled out by a doctor. 

    • Please use this form for oral medications and inhalers.

Emergency Medication Administration during School Hours

If your child suffers from severe allergies and requires the use of Epinephrine, please complete section I and have the Pediatrician complete section II.

Please call the health room, durning school hours, at (240)740-7642 if you have any questions. 

Tracy Outlaw, School Community Health Nurse

Mary Rochon, School Health Room Technician

Documentos necesarios para inscripción

Todo estudiante nuevo, aparte de record de vacunación, necesita los siguientes documentos:

    • Por favor complete la parte I y el medico completa la parte II

*Si su hijo/a no tiene seguro médico, por favor llame a la Enfermera del Colegio al 240-740-4640.

Estudiantes entrando a 6 to grado

Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery y el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos recomiendan que todos los niños que comienzan el sexto grado sean examinados por el médico y el dentista.

·         Cartilla de vacunación MDH_896_form.pdf

Estudiantes entrando a 7 tmo grado

Los reglamentos de vacunación de las escuelas de Maryland (COMAR 10.06.04) requieren que los estudiantes que están inscritos en las escuelas muestren prueba de que ya han completado todas las vacunas requeridas.

Todos los estudiantes del Séptimo grado deben tener la vacuna del Tétano, difteria y la tos ferina acelular (Tdap), y la vacuna meningocócica (MCV). Estamos pidiendo que los padres/apoderados del estudiante muestren prueba de estas vacunas de su hijo(a) a la sala de la enfermera escolar lo más pronto posible este año escolar, o antes del primer día de escuela del próximo año escolar.

Administración de Medicamentos durante horas escolares

Si su hijo/a necesita tomar un medicamento en horarios de colegio, por favor complete parte I del formulario y que su médico complete parte II. Asegúrese de traer un nuevo frasco de medicamento al colegio y que el doctor que receto el medicamento es el mismo doctor que completo el formulario.

Administración de Medicamentos de Emergencia

Si su hijo/a sufre de alergias severas y usa epinefrina, por favor complete parte I del formulario y que su médico complete parte II. Por favor asegúrese de traer epinefrina que no está expirada y que el doctor que receto la epinefrina sea el mismo que completo el formulario.