Programs banner

 In addition to the curriculum programs, we have additional opportunities for student support and specialized experiences.  See below for some of the special program details.



After School Clubs 

In partnership with our PTA and outside organizations, Woodlin provides a robust after school clubs program.  There are three 8-week sessions (October-December, January-March, and April-June). Opportunities include free academic support clubs, fun community or staff led clubs, as well as outside organizations (Mad Science and Overtime Athletics).  The PTA provides support for bus transportation, and supervises the registration process. Click here for more information about after school clubs.


Learning for Independence (LFI)

Learning for Independence (LFI) services are designed for students with complex learning and cognitive needs, including mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Services support the implementation of Alternate Academic Learning Outcomes aligned with Curriculum 2.0. Click here for more information about this specialized program.


English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

In MCPS, we are proud of our diverse, multilingual, multicultural population. Every student and every family is important and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with everyone else. We work hard to ensure that every student succeeds and that every parent is a partner in educating all of our children.

Vea aquí más información sobre los cambios a la programación de ESOL en las escuelas secundarias.  

The goal of the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program is to empower ESOL students to master academic English to thrive in school, college, careers, and as global citizens. The education of students learning English as a new language is a collaborative responsibility shared by the ESOL teacher, the classroom teacher, all other appropriate MCPS staff, as well as the ESOL student.  Click here for more information about this specialized program.

Pictured below are Woodlin's ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teachers.

ESOL Team 2018ESOL Jennifer Schmorr  

Photographs above (left to right): ESOL Teachers:  Christine Stavrou, Andrea Littell, and Jennifer Schmorr.


Responsive Classroom

Responsive Classroom is an evidence-based approach to education that focuses on the strong relationship between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). The Responsive Classroom approach empowers educators to create safe, joyful, and engaging learning communities where all students have a sense of belonging and feel significant.

Woodlin staff began to implement a few components of Responsive classroom last year, and have continued to incorporate daily morning meetings into their virtual school day to help students feel connected and to build a sense of community.


Staff/Student Mentor Program 

Led by our school counselor, the staff and student mentor program provides additional opportunities for selected students to develop relationships with trusted adults.  Mentors and mentees have lunch together and talk regularly in order to provide sustained support for student emotional and academic well being.