Counseling Advisory Committee (CAC)


Chairpersons: Karen Greenfeld and Debby Orsak            Email:

The Counseling Advisory Committee (CAC) is a PTSA-sponsored committee that works with the Counseling Services Department to increase communication among parents, students, and the school. Together with the Counseling Services Department, the CAC sponsors parent and student meetings that provide information on academic and social issues to help students succeed at WJ and beyond.  The CAC is comprised of parents, students, Counseling Services staff, and administrators.  



2023 Fall
Join the WJPTSA Listerve 
2024 Winter&Spring
JUNIORSWhat You Need to Know Between Now and Applying to College
Mock Exams 
SENIORS:2024 WJ Senior Information
Alphabetized List & Descriptions
Naviance Explained
College Saturday Winter 2023

Events Schedule

2023 Fall Events 

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Recorded Presentation

Meeting Materials


7:00pm Wed

Cracking the Common App





7:00pm Mon

Senior Parent Meeting

WJ Auditorium




7:00pm Wed

College Essay Tips: How to Find Your Wow Factor





7:00pm Mon

Junior Parent Meeting

WJ Auditorium




7:00pm Wed

College Admissions Testing Q&A





7:00pm Wed

Freshman Parent Meeting

WJ Auditorium




9:00am Sat

Mock SAT

WJ Cafeteria




7:00pm Mon

Sophomore Parent Meeting

WJ Auditorium




7:00pm Wed

College Financial Aid





7:00pm Mon

How to Survive and Thrive in High School





7:00pm Mon

College Visits: How to Make Them Count





7:00pm Mon

Watch for the Red Flags: Staying Attuned to your Teen's Mental Health





7:00pm Mon

Understanding AP Classes





9:00am Sat

Mock ACT

WJ Cafeteria




7:00pm Tues

Mock SAT/ACT Test Results Interpretation





7:00pm Mon

Jumpstart to College:Earning College Credit While in High School





Lunch 11:05-12:00 Tue

Alumni College Lunch for Seniors

College/Career Center




CAC Sponsored 2023-2024 Mock ACT & SAT Testing   

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Mock ACT - November 18, 2023 Saturday: Cafeteria 9:00am-1:00pm

Mock SAT - Sept .30, 2023 Saturday: Cafeteria  9:00am - 1:00pm

Mock SAT - Winter 2024 TBT

Mock ACT - Winter 2024 TBT

Mock Tests Description and FAQs

Mock Test Registration

Register here for a mock exam using for the first time 

Register here if you already have a account

2024 Winter/Spring Events - 





Recorded Presentation

Meeting Materials



PSAT Results Interpretaion






Safe Teen Driving






College Admissions Testing Q & A






College Saturday






Highly Selective College Admissions






Mock ACT/SAT Results Meeting





Naviance Explained






Senior Class Parent Meeting






College Admissions Panel





10 Things Profs Wish Every 1st Year Knew






Junior  Class College Planning Meeting




College Essay Tips: How to Find Your Wow Factor






[Back to Events and Resources]

Alumni College Luncheon - Fall

This annual event sponsored by WJ Counseling Services invites recent WJ graduates to chat about their college experiences with current seniors. Alumni interested in speaking to WJ seniors should contact Counseling Services.

[Back to Fall Events]

College Admissions Panel - Winter/Spring

An informative night presented by a panel of college admission representatives from a variety of colleges and universities.  Each College Rep presents important information on: how to determine to which colleges one should apply; the college application, selection, and acceptance process; what colleges value in an applicant; why a college tour is important, and so much more.  One of the most important meetings you can attend if your student is considering attending college.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

College Admissions Testing Q&A - Fall/Winter/Spring

This is an informal meeting which provides information on the SAT and ACT exams.  Topics include comparison of the SAT and ACT (test focus, structure, and timing), exam grading, exam calendars, score reporting to colleges, information on the SAT Subject Tests and more.

[Back to Fall Events]

College Essay Tips - How to Find Your Wow Factor

This presentation provides information for students on “How to Find and Communicate your WOW Factor in your College Essays.” *PLUS – Where else will you encounter writing on your application, and how can you stand out? How has the pandemic affected college writing requirements – what’s new, what isn’t? Learn “Top Do’s and Don’ts” for college essays, trends and roadblocks many students face in the writing sections of their applications, and hear excerpts from “rockstar essays” to demonstrate how to be authentic, creative, and communicate WOW in YOUR writing! 

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

 College Financial Aid - Fall

The college financial aid meeting is designed to help parents understand the Financial Aid Process (FAFSA), the Cost of Attendance (COA), understand the Student Aid Index (SAI) (formerly the EFC), and help determine financial need and the types and sources of financial aid.

[Back to Fall Events]

College Saturday - Winter

A comprehensive half-day of large-group and break-out presentations on topics relevant to students preparing for the college admissions process.  Topics may include staying organized, application advice and tips, admissions testing, essay writing, resources and tools for college planning, financial aid, and much more.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Colleges that Change Lives - Winter/Spring

This meeting is co-sponsored by WJ PTSA and several other area high school PTAs.  Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping families and students understand how to use the college search process to find the best college fit. Too often the media stories scare students and parents as they approach the college search process.  This should be a joyful time, not a high stakes game which neglects the individual fit.  Find out why this happens and how the process can be approached with a focus on the student--not the rankings and ratings--in order to determine a great college choice. Admission is free and there is no need to RSVP.  Feel free to invite friends from other schools. You may also want to view the Colleges That Change Lives website:

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]


College Visits: How to Make Them Count - Fall

The campus visit is not just a way to learn more about college options. It's a significant tool for admissions strategy. These days, there are a variety of flavors available - including admissions interviews, online sessions, walking tours, college fairs, email communicaiton, and the college's social media - and a student's approach can signal to a college their interest in not just applying but enrolling, which can factor into how the admissions office makes a decision. 

[Back to Fall Events]

Cracking the Common App-Fall

What's new with the Common App, and how is this year different from the last? Answering these questions early can help students get a compettive edge on filling out their applications.

Students of all ages and parents! Join Jordan Kanarek, the Director of College Counseling and Collegewise, as he shares tips, facts, and all the updates your family needs to know before filling out the application and clicking "Submit."

By the end of our webinar, you'll learn:

  • The lastest updated about the Common App
  • Every component of the application and how students can stand out
  • What admission officers look for from applicants
  • And much more!

Your family doesn't have to approach college applications with uncertainty. Join our webinar and discover all there is to know about the Common App.

Fall Parent Grade Level Meetings - Fall

One meeting per grade (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th) is held during the first few weeks of school. The purpose of each meeting is to provide parents with grade level information related to academics, extracurricular activities, and social issues.  Those present at the meeting include the WJHS Principal, Assistant Principals, Counseling Services Director, and others who can help parents and students know what to expect during the school year. 

[Back to Fall Events]

Highly Selective College Admissions - Winter/Spring

Grades, test scores, and impressive activities alone won't get a student admitted to schools that reject almost all of their applicants. So how do students who get accepted to the Ivy Leagues, Stanford, Tufts and the rest of the nation’s most selective colleges set themselves apart from the rest of the applicant pool?  We'll show you at this seminar.  We’ll also reveal some Collegewise strategies to improve a student’s chances of admission at the most selective schools.  While we don't believe that prestigious colleges are necessarily better colleges, we want students who are interested in these schools to have straight answers about what it will really take to have a shot at getting in.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

How to Survive and Thrive in High School - Fall



[Back to Fall Events]

Jumpstart to College Program:  Earning College Credit in High School -Fall

This meeting will discuss Jumpstart to College program, a non-degree seeking program for high school students to take college courses and earn college credits while attending high school. The topics will include, but are not limited to the following: a brief comparison of Jumpstart to College and other Dual Enrollment programs offered through Montgomery College (MC) and MCPS partnership, benefits of Jumpstart (including cost and flexibility), differences between MC and AP classes, transfer of MC credit to other institutions, dual credit option (receiving HS credit for college courses), MC courses offered at Walter Johnson High School, eligibility requirements, and steps of enrollment.

[Back to Fall Events]

Junior Class College Planning Meeting - Winter/Spring

The purpose of this meeting is to provide 11th grade parents and student with information related to the steps that they need to take now to get them ready to prepare for applying to colleges in the Fall and planning for their post-secondary life. Those presenting at the meeting include the WJHS Principal, Assistant Principals, the Counseling Services Director, and the College/Career Coordinator.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Little Know Secrets for Paying for College - Winter/Spring

On average, tuition tends to increase about 8% per year. An 8% college inflation rate means that the cost of college doubles about every nine years.  Planning for these expenses has become essential. Some families have children attending college next year and others have years to plan, but the fears of tackling these monumental and rising costs are the same.The College Funding Coach® is here to help families figure out HOW to pay for it and still retire one day.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Mock ACT/SAT Testing Results Interpretation - Fall and Winter/Spring

This meeting helps students and parents understand the results of mock SAT and mock ACT exams administered at WJ. General information about standardized testing and options for test preparation are also provided.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Naviance Explained - Winter/Spring

A valuable meeting for sophomores, juniors and their parents on the use of the Naviance/Family Connection software package to navigate the college and career process.  Learn about the wealth of information on colleges and universities available to all WJ students as they move through the college selection process. In addition, Naviance/Family Connection is used to inform WJ students about upcoming visits by college reps and to send teacher references and transcript electronically to colleges.   Each student has a login and password to the system so that the research done uses personal data and selection criteria.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

PSAT Results Interpretation - Winter/Spring

This meeting will provide an explanation of what the PSAT scores mean and answer questions from parents and students about the PSAT and other standardized testing for college.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Safe Teen Driving - Winter/Spring

Tom Pecoraro, the founder and president of I Drive Smart, Inc., will present The Smart Six Teen Safe Driving Program. I Drive Smart has been conducting this informative, brief program for the past 18 years to parents and teens throughout the region. The Smart Six identifies the six causative factors always involved when a teen is seriously injured or killed in a vehicle collision.  The Smart Six Program will help parents understand how these factors arise and how to mitigate the risks for all new drivers and their passengers. 

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Senior Class Graduation - Winter/Spring

A meeting for the senior class and their parents. Important information on graduation requirements, prom activities, and the graduation ceremony is presented.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Ten Things Professors Wish Every Freshman Knew - Winter/Spring

Collegebound students are invited to a lunchtime presentation to learn what professors would like every college freshman to know.

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Tension Tamers

Everyone knows that the teenage years can be a tense time between parents and teens. With the transition to high school, parents and teens alike struggle to navigate both critical life decisions and small everyday interactions. Our ability to keep lines of communication open with our teens can literally save their lives. While the media sends out many unhelpful messages about how we are all doing it wrong, there are many evidence based ways to increase positivity and manage conflict. In this presentation, Dr. Rebecca Resnik, (a psychologist and mother raising her 3rd teenager) presents practical communication tools that are based on the science of adolescent brain development. Dr. Resnik debunks outdated myths about adolescent brains and behavior that don't apply well to "Gen Z."  She provides strategies for positive communication so you can stay close with your teen while still maintaining high expectations.

[Back to Winter/Spring Events]

Understanding AP Classes  - Fall

 A meeting focused on discussing the demands of AP Courses, when a student might take an AP course, AP tests, college credit and other questions parents and students may have about AP Courses offered at Walter Johnson.

Watch for the Red Flags: Staying Attuned to Your Teen's Mental Health - Fall

Parents of today's post-pandemic, 'digital native' teens face complicated problems their own parents never encountered. Both teens and parents of today experience higher levels of everyday stress that can quickly turn into serious problems.   In this talk, Dr. Rebecca Resnik, Licensed Psychologist (and proud parent of two WJ Wildcats) will give you a practical guide to help you recognize critical "red flags" that can help you protect the teens in your life.  Note that this talk will cover some more serious mental health issues and self-harm/suicide risk. While high school students are welcome to attend, it is recommended that they watch with a trusted adult.     

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Mock Exams - Fall and Winter/Spring

Mock Test Regstration Information


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Mock Exams Fall and Winter/Spring 2022-2023

Each year the WJ PTSA Counseling Advisory Committee (CAC) sponsors full length mock testing of both the ACT & SAT exams to provide practice for interested students. Both tests are offered with accommodations for those students who request it. The scores from mock exams are not seen by anyone other than the student.  Cost is $15 per student for each test – all proceeds benefit the WJ PTSA. Please contact your student's counselor if financial assistance is needed.  Each student must register at least 48 hours before the exam. The exam will begin at 9 am. A results meeting will take place following the tests to provide information and explanation about the scores. 

Please read the following FAQ’s and their answers. If you have additional questions email Maria Turner at

Q: What time should students arrive for the mock exams?

A: The exam begins at 9am. The doors to the cafeteria will open at 8:30 am for check-in.

Q: What does my student need during the test?

A: Students should have pencils, a calculator, a snack and water. 

Q: Are the mock tests required?

A: No. The mock tests are not required at all. The WJPTSA provides these mock tests as a service for students who wish to practice taking the ACT and SAT before they take the actual tests. We offer the mock tests twice a year - once in the fall and once in the spring. The mock test scores do not “count” for any school applications or scholarships. They are for information purposes only such as to see how the student tests, which test would be a better choice and to get accustomed to sitting for a test that is approximately 4 hours long.

Q: Who can take the mock tests?

A: The mock tests are open to all Walter Johnson students. The majority of students who take these mock tests are 10th and 11th graders. 

Q: What is the cost of the mock exam?

A: The mock ACT and mock SAT are $15 each.

Q: How do I register for the mock exams?

A: Go to the  Mock Tests section of this page. 

Q: Is the mock SAT the same thing as the PSAT?

A: No, the PSAT is administered by the school through the counseling office. The mock ACT/SAT is a service provided by the WJ PTSA CAC for students to practice taking the ACT/SAT before taking the actual ACT/SAT.

Q: How do I get my score?

A: There will be a mock test results meeting on November 28, 2022 at 7pm via Zoom. Scores will be emailed prior to the meeting and Capital Educators will explain what the results mean.

Q:  Can students do anything to prepare for the mock?

A:  The College Board and the nonprofit Khan Academy® have teamed up to provide free, personalized SAT study resources for all students.  

To link your College Board and Khan Academy accounts:  

*Go to, create an account on Khan Academy or sign into your existing account.   

*When prompted, agree to link your Khan Academy and College Board Accounts.   

*Log into your College Board account and hit "Send" to get a personalized practice plan.