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Physical Education


  • Ms. Ashley Caruso
  • Mr. Collin Clifford
  • Mr. John Gordon
  • Ms. Susan Lee, Health
  • Mr. Desmin Wade
  • Ms. Lisa Bianchini
  • Mx. Kristina Harris, Dance

Click here to access the PE department expectations. 

Physical Education Program Overview


OverviewPhysical Education is an integral part of the total education of every student. Quality physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness, personal/social responsibilities, and enjoyment of physical activity for all students in order to be physically active for life.

Maryland State Department of Physical Education Standards (MSDE): Grades will reflect achievement of these standards each quarter.

  1. Exercise Physiology: How physical activity contributes to personal health and enhances cognitive and physical performance.
  2. Biomechanics: Generate and control force to improve movement effectiveness and safety.
  3. Social-Psychological Principles: Demonstrates positive value about themselves and develop the social skills necessary to work effectively with others.
  4. Motor Learning Skills: Demonstrate how skills are learned and proficiency developed; skills re repeatedly performed correctly in a variety of authentic situations.
  5. Physical Activity: Perform in a regular, personalized, purposeful program of physical activity to gain health and cognitive/academic benefits; design a safe and effective program consistent of their health, performance, and fitness goals.
  6. Skillfulness: Enhance ability to perform a variety of skills and applications by developing, combining, and sequencing fundamental movement patterns and apply skills in a variety of recreational and daily life experiences.


Units of Study CONCEPTS

FITNESS Exercise Physiology Physical Activity

Health Related Fitness components, Skill Related Fitness components; Wellness; Principles of FITT, overload progresion, and specificity

MOVEMENT Skillfulness Biomechanics Motor Learning

Motor skills; Skill themes; Skill analysis; Application of skills, Strategy and Tactics


Problem solving; Team work; Sportsmanship; Cooperative learning; Self control; Personal initiative

Grading: MSDE standards will be categorized into the following focus areas to calculate a grade:

  • Application of Fitness Concepts (MSDE 1, 5)
  • Application of Movement Concepts (MSDE 2, 4, 6)
  • Application of Personal and Social Responsibilities (MSDE 3)
  • Application of Cognitive Skills, Reading and Writing (MSDE 1, 2, 3, 5)
  • Grades will be based on a 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 rubric