Classrooms → Grade 3

Grade 3



Ms. Bontems Ms. Cassidy 
Ms. Matthews   Ms. Zahra  



   In December 


As part of becoming more independent learners, third grade students will be building their capacity to evaluate their own work and think more about their thinking. In reading, students will read informational texts and use text features and search tools to clarify information. They will also be asking and answering questions by explicitly referring to the text for answers.

In math, students continue to deepen their understanding of multiplication and division facts. They will apply gained knowledge to solve word problems.

In science, students will explore properties of materials and discover how heating and cooling can alter materials. 

In social studies, we will explore geography and human-made and natural features of the world.

 Humans and Technology Livebinder

MCPL Summer Reading List




In January


Third grade teachers hope all Wheaton Woods ES families had a restful winter break with their loved ones. In reading, students will read informational texts and use strategies to clarify the meanings of unknown words. The informational texts involve science topics where they will use what they have read in order to understand and describe science concepts and processes.

In math, students will begin to work with fractions in order to represent units in a whole.

In science, students will continue to explore observable properties of materials. Students will observe and describe the changes cooling and heating have on observable properties.

In social studies, students will focus on how geographic characteristics of a place change and influence the way people live and work.  

In February

Our third graders will be working on intellectual risking taking in marking period three. Please talk with your child about believing in themselves and sharing ideas even if they think they are wrong.  In reading, students will study historical fiction texts.  Students will also read informational texts that focus on historical events. 

In math, students will continue working with fractions and expand their understanding to represent equivalent fractions. If you have opportunities to discuss fractions (such as while cooking with recipes) with your child, it will help them see real world examples. 

In science, students will continue to develop their understanding of heat production and transfer. Students will begin by investigating sources of heat.

In social studies, students will construct and interpret maps to locate and expand their understandings about North America and the United States. Students will then compare elements of culture and examine how people from different cultures meet their needs. 


In March

In reading, students will study the concept of change. They will also read realistic fiction texts to compare story elements and examine how the author expresses a theme.

In math, students will apply their understanding of equivalent fractions. 

In science, students further extend their understanding of light and heat.  They will investigate and examine technology used to light and heat buildings.

In social studies, students continue their study of geography and explore selected locations of how transportation networks connect people, goods, and ideas.  


In November


The third grade students are fast approaching the stage of independence and cooperative learning.  In reading, students will explore how readers gather main ideas and central messages in a text.  They will also begin to study how poets use point of view to convey a message as well as figurative language to express themselves. 

In math, students will develop an understanding and the meaning of multiplication and division of whole numbers through tasks and problems involving equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, problem situations, and equations.

During science, students will look at evidence of what can be done to different materials to change some of their properties.

In social studies, students will identify and describe physical, human-made, and geographic features of the world and the United States, with a special focus on Maryland and Montgomery County.