School Payments
Montgomery County Public Schools has transitioned to a new online payment system called SchoolCash Online as its preferred method of payment for school-related fees such as field trips. (Please note that the new payment system is NOT related to school cafeteria accounts) Please click for instructions in English and Spanish and for the registration link.
Excel Beyond the Bell has begun! / ¡Excel Beyond the Bell ha comenzado!
Excel Beyond the Bell has begun! Students complete schoolwork and play group games every weekday from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. If your child is in the second, third, fourth, or fifth grade, ask your child's teacher how you can register. / ¡Excel Beyond the Bell ha comenzado! Los estudiantes completan el trabajo escolar y juegan juegos grupales todos los días de la semana de 4 p.m. - 18:00 Si su hijo está en segundo, tercero, cuarto o quinto grado, pregúntele al maestro de su hijo cómo puede registrarse.
Food Resources
Find a list of food distributions this week and learn more about our partnership with SNAP-ED