Parent Resources

PTA - learn about PTA activities and become a member.

Westland Cares - A Westland community supported pantry available to Westland families who sign up here.

Westland Cares is a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) initiative that seeks to provide some additional support to students and families in need.

Fast Facts for Parents - Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse

MCPS Parent Academy

Welcoming Schools, Regardless of Immigration Status

Prospective Parents

 Prospective Parents Information - All you need to know about Westland in one spot!

Prospective Parents Coffee – During the school year, Ms Serino holds 5 monthly sessions for non-MCPS parents/caregivers who are considering enrolment at Westland. During the coffee school leaders will present information and answer questions about the school and offer a brief tour.  Prospective students are also invited to shadow a Westland student for two class periods at the same time as the coffee. The dates of the coffees for 2023-2024 have not yet been set. Please check back later.

Pre-registration for coffees is appreciated. Registration links will be added to this website closer to each date.

Course Information and Registration for 2024-2025

We will update this information closer to the time of registration - January 2024.