Westland Special Services Department

Westland's Special Education department is headed by Nikia Mitchell-Lazarus.


MCPS Department of Special Education

Parents Special Education Resources

Maryland Disability Law Center Special Education Rights Handbook

Montgomery County Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)  


The documents below present a handful of information regarding special education, including information on the IDEA (the federal law under which special education services are provided), the process by which a child may be evaluated for a disability under the IDEA, the provision of special education and related services as part of a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) under the IDEA, accommodations pursuant to Section 504 (of the federal law pertaining to disabilities and accommodations), and information pertaining to specific disabilities. While we will do our best to update these documents, please research (Google and searching MCPS and Maryland Dept of Ed) on your own, to make sure you have the most up to date version of any single document. 


(These documents are provided for informational purposes only, and not intended as legal advice.)  

MDLC Special Education Handbook

PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual

IDEA 504 Comparison

Executive Functions by Thomas Brown

MDLC After School

MSDE Building IEPs with Maryland Families