Health and Physical Education  

Syllabus / Policies and Regulations






Tilden's Physical Education department believes that through cooperation among students, parents, and teachers, we can help students to develop:

  • an ongoing fitness life-style
  • a variety of sports/movement skills
  • effective leadership and followership skills
  • improved safety skills
  • appropriate sportsmanship skills
  • positive socialization skills
  • critical thinking skills


 Health Education


MCPS Middle School Students receive nine weeks of health education instruction with a focus on personal and social skill development and an emphasis on the following key topics: 

Sixth grade:  Mental and Emotional Health; Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs; Personal and Consumer Health; Safety and Injury Prevention.

Seventh grade:   Mental and Emotional Health; Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs; Personal Consumer Health; Family Life and Human Sexuality; Disease Prevention and Control.   

Eighth grade:   Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drugs; Personal and Consumer Health; Safety and Injury Prevention; Nutrition and Fitness; Family Life and Human Sexuality.

ALL GRADES:   All students received a Health Education information packet at the beginning of the year containing information for their respective grade level Health curriculum.  

**Family Life and Human Sexuality unit content can be accessed on the MCPS website.

Physical Education

MCPS Middle School students participate in a daily program of physical education.  Each grade level will have emphasis on specific course indicators.  In sixth grade, students focus on team building, accountability and positive interaction with a diverse population that surrounds them.  As seventh graders, their focus is designed to challenge them to cooperate and compete while practicing teamwork, sports etiquette, cooperation, decision making, leadership, and communication.  By eighth grade, students will apply skills and concepts learned in the previous two years to various activities while developing realistic lifetime goals for maintaining and/or improving their proficiency and fitness. 

Physicians Contact Form


Required PE Uniforms

All students are required to have a complete change of clothing for Physical Education class, including socks and athletic shoes. You may not participate in flip-flops!!! 

Students may purchase PE clothes the first week of school or bring in their own clothes to be used specifically for Physical Education class. This clothing should be a gray, white, blue, or school bought yellow t-shirt and blue, black, or gray shorts. Clothing worn to school may not be used for physical education class. 

It is very important to make sure that your son/daughter takes home their P.E. clothes at least once a week to be laundered. Also, please send your children to P.E. with non-aerosol deodorant. Good Hygiene makes a stink free locker room. 

The following items are for sale (each item has "Tilden Physical Education" and a place for your name):

  • Grey T-shirt 
  • Blue Nylon Mesh Shorts
  • Hooded Sweat Shirt
  • Sweat Pants
Two of the main reasons why students are expected to change:
  • Hygiene
  • Safety - changing into the required colors helps us track our students to know that they belong in our class.  It helps us identify if someone may not belong, especially when we are outside.    

10 Fitness Tips

  1. Start your day with breakfast.
  2. Get Moving!
  3. Snack Smart.
  4. Work up a sweat
  5. Balance your food choices-don’t eat too much of any one food.
  6. Get fit with friends or family.
  7. Eat more grains, fruits and vegetables.
  8. Join in physical activities at school.
  9. Foods aren’t good or bad. Remember to use moderation.
  10. Make healthy eating and physical activities fun!

Web Sites: