Attendance Secretary
Mrs. Jennifer A. Clark
Policies & Procedures
Regular school attendance is essential to academic success and achievement. Both school attendance and class attendance are mandatory. Classes begin at 8:15 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m. Students should arrive at 8:05 a.m., in time for the first bell.
If a student is going to be absent, the parent/guardian is asked to either email a note to our attendance secretary using this attendance note document (you MUST make a copy of the attendance note document first, then you will be able to type your information in the attendance note), or call the school attendance line at 240-740-2201 on the morning of the absence and send a note to the Main Office when your child returns to school.
Attendance Notes Must Include:
- Student Name, ID number, Grade
- Reasons for absence
- Parent Signature and daytime phone number
- Notes must have a parent’s signature
- Scanned documents or photos of written notes with signature are accepted.
If absent for more than 3 days due to illness, please provide a doctor's note.
Maryland State Law is specific in outlining what absences and tardies the principal may excuse.
Excused Absences - The following may be considered excused if the proper procedure is followed and if documentation is presented:
-Medical appointments
-Death in the immediate family
-Religious observance
-Court summons
-Authorized work or activity accepted by school authorities (i.e. educational experience)
-Family travel is not normally an excused absence. In cases of unusual family circumstances, however, a family travel absence may be approved after a parent contacts the appropriate grade-level administrator. Such requests should be submitted in writing at least five (5) days in advance of the anticipated absence
Unexcused Absences - All absences not listed above are considered to be unexcused
Excessive Absences - If a student will be absent over a long period of time, the school administration must be notified. If a student is absent more than 3 days, parents may arrange to pick up any missed class work by contacting the counseling office
Make up work
Students have the responsibility to make up all assignments regardless of the reason for the absence.
Early Dismissal
Any student needing to leave before the close of the normal day must present a note from a parent/guardian stating the date, time, and reason for departure. These notes must be brought to the main office before Period 1 on the day the student is to be dismissed early, so they can receive a pass to leave class at the appropriate time and meet their parent/guardian in the office. Before departing, the student is to be signed out on the sign-out sheet in the main office by the parent/guardian.
To School - The student must report to the main office and have an adult listed on the student's contact information sign them in when arriving after the 8:15 a.m. late bell. The attendance secretary will code the tardy as excused or unexcused.
To Class - Unexcused tardies are not acceptable. Students may be excused from a tardy when they enter class with an appropriate pass.
Excessive Unexcused Tardies or Absences will be handled administratively with parent/guardian involvement. Students are expected to be in class on time. Teachers will handle tardies on a case-by-case basis.
Attending after-school activities
Students must be in school during the day to be eligible to attend afternoon and evening activities (games, dances, etc.). In-school suspension/exclusion and suspension will result in automatic exclusion from these activities.
Students attending after school activities and riding the activity bus MUST remain on school property and be part of a sanctioned after school activity to be eligible to ride the MCPS provided activity bus.