Nadiyah Ali

Reading Specialist

What to Know About Reading Instruction at Carl Sandburg Learning Center


MCPS switched to a structured literacy approach to reading instruction in the Fall of 2022.  This shift is in response to research, known as the Science of Reading that all students in grades K-5 need explicit and systematic instruction in reading and writing in order to be proficient readers. At Carl Sandburg Learning Center all learners will work in whole group, small group, and targeted one-on-one instruction to support their reading growth. 


“The science of reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. This research has been conducted over the last five decades across the world, and it is derived from thousands of studies conducted in multiple languages. The science of reading has culminated in a preponderance of evidence to inform how proficient reading and writing develop; why some have difficulty; and how we can most effectively assess and teach and, therefore, improve student outcomes through prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties.”  ~The Reading League’s Science of Reading: Defining Guide 

​At Carl Sandburg Learning Center all students including those seeking alternative learning outcomes (ALO) receive reading, listening, speaking, and writing instruction that includes: 

  1. repetition with variety
  2. cognitive engagement
  3. cognitive clarity
  4. personal connection with the curriculum
  5. participation of a knowledgeable other (peer, specialist, teacher, support staff)
  6. a means of expressive communication
  7. significant time allocation for comprehensive instruction


How will we monitor student progress?

  • All K-2 (including verbal ALO) students will be assessed on grade-level reading expectations using DIBELS. DIBLES assesses a student's acquisition of foundational reading skills. They are comprised of short 1–3-minute tasks that are used to determine if a student is at risk and monitor their overtime. 
  • Students will be given these assessments at least 3 times a year. Teachers will also use this assessment to monitor student progress and growth in between Benchmark assessments. This process is called Progress Monitoring. 
  • DIBLES assessment will inform teachers how students are progressing through the sequence of skills and identify the next steps needed in reading acquisition and instruction.
  • Students in grades 3-5 will continue to be assessed 2-3 times a year with NWEA’s Measures of Academic Progress or commonly known as MAPR.  The Map assessment measures growth and proficiency in reading and provides teachers with insights to help tailor instruction. Students who continue to remain at risk for foundational literacy skills will continue to be assessed using DIBLES and receive targeted reading intervention in this area. 
  • Students in grades K-5 will take Benchmark Interims. The interim assessments assess a subset of the grade level standards that have been taught. The results are used to assist teachers in determining if their students have learned the content standards that were covered in their classroom.
  • For students who are non-verbal and unable to participate in the DIBELs assessments, there are alternate ways to assess a student on the same skills in Unique Learning System (a tool created specifically for AOL Special Education students to monitor classroom performance and ensure compliance toward relevant standards and regulations). These include:
    • Letter Match
    • Rhyming Words
    • Letter Identification
    • Phoneme Blending
    • Initial Sounds
    • Word Recognition
    • Word Rimes
    • Final Letters


CSLC Shift to Structured Literacy (Slideshow)


Benchmark Advanced Welcome Letter


Really Great Reading Home Connection


Really Great Reading Home Resources




For more ideas, activities, and resources to use at home to support your child’s progress, please log on to the Carl Sandburg Canvas Course and click the Family Resources tab.