About Our School → Homework Policy

Homework Policy

The Purpose of Homework

Homework is one of the many learning activities in which students engage; its purposes should be to:

1. Extend learning and/or provide practice in applying concepts initially presented in the classroom

2. Provide opportunities for independent work

3. Strengthen concept and skill development

4. Develop initiative, responsibility, self-direction and organizational skills


1. No assignment will be given that has not been clearly explained in the classroom.

2. Pupils will fully understand when the assignment is due.

3. Homework will grow from classroom tasks and projects or will focus on skill/strategy reinforcement.

4. Assignments will be varied and require the use of a number of skills.

5. Homework will be checked for its quality and completion. Homework completion will be reflected under the Learning Skills Section of the report card using the code (I, L, F, R, NI) explained on the back of the report card.

6. Where team teaching is utilized, assignments will be coordinated among grade level teachers to keep within the time allotments.

7. Teachers will communicate to parents about missing or incomplete assignments as needed.

8. Homework will not be assigned on designated religious holidays when

students are absent because of religious observances.

Time Allotments

The time allotted to homework should increase gradually from grade to grade. The following is a list of approximate daily time allotments (may vary according to day and /or assignment).


Grades K – 2 = 10 – 30 minutes

Grades 3 – 4 = 30 – 45 minutes

Grade 5 = Up to 60 minutes

  • Guidelines do not include basic math facts practice/independent reading.
  • These times are approximate. Individual student’s pace may need to be taken into consideration. We request that problems/concerns be communicated to the teacher.
  • When enough time has been allowed in school for class work, and that work has not been completed, it may be assigned as homework, thereby exceeding the recommended daily time allotted to homework.
  • Some students who participate in enrichment programs (i.e., Wm. and Mary, Math A) may receive assignments beyond the time allotted but not exceeding 15 minutes per subject area.

Student Responsibilities

1. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of assignments and to seek further explanation if needed.

2. The student will organize his/her time to work on assignments.

3. The student will turn assignments in on time.

4. The student’s work will reflect high standards regarding quality and completeness.

5. Students in grades 3-5 will be responsible for recording daily assignments in their required assignment book.

What Parents Can Do

While the pupil should assume the major responsibility for completing homework assignments, parents are encouraged to take an active interest in the pupil’s homework by doing the following:

1. Provide a study area that is quiet, comfortable and free from major disturbances.

2. Provide a definite time for study or other home activities.

3. Make available, if possible, such resource materials as reference books, magazines, newspaper, dictionary and/or the public library.

4. Assist pupils with mastery of specific skills (i.e., math facts)

5. Monitor your child’s daily and/or weekly assignment sheets/books and long-range assignments.

6. Arrange with the school to secure assignments during a period of excused absence. Teachers are not responsible for providing homework for extended vacations or unexcused absences.

7. Parents are to encourage their child to complete homework on their own as much as possible and assist only as needed.