Support Rolling Terrace Elementary School

Support Rolling Terrace 

Ways You Can Help Fund Educational Efforts at Our School

Papa John's Pizza Card Fundraiser Order Form 

A Fabulous Offer to Save for the Rolling Terrace Friends and Family!

  • An opportunity to buy a pizza card to get a Free Large Pizza with EVERY Large pizza ordered !
  • Good for Carry out ONLY 
  • Pay Just $15 And Enjoy a Ton of Savings for a year
  • Use the card as many times as you want for as many pizzas as you want!!  Card valid in stores in MD, VA and D.C.
  • If you order a large pizza at least 2 times in a year, you will receive super duper savings from the Papa John's Pizza card!
  • To order, click on the title link above, and follow the instructions on the form

Support Rolling Terrace While You Shop

Please Note: This web page may contain links to one or more pages outside the MCPS Web. MCPS does not control the content or relevancy of these pages.


Register your Giant Bonus Card for this years A+ BonusBucks program (you MUST re-register every school year, Giant discards the previous year’s signups). Register now by going to or sign up at the customer service desk of your local Giant. Rolling Terrace’s school code is 00918. Last year we raised over $2,700.00!!!


Register your Safeway card for this years Safeway Club Card for Education program. Run by eScrip, you register your Safeway card at Enter Rolling Terrace’s ID # 6559057, and fill out the required information. (You need your Safeway card number, call 1-877-SAFEWAY if you don’t have it.)  If you registered for this program in the past, you’re in eScrip’s database.   The program runs from October through May. Up to three schools can benefit from your purchases.  There are many other eScrip programs, including online shopping and also by shopping at various merchants with a registered credit or debit card; see the eScrip Web site for more ways to bring in cash.

Employer Match Donations for Rolling Terrace

  • Fundraising is extremely important to the Rolling Terrace PTA's ability to provide services and support for students and teachers. 
  • Rolling Terrace is a non-profit school so we can solicit grant money and charitable donations.  People who give money to Rolling Terrace can write their donations off, and they can request matching donations from their employers. 
  • Many of the larger employers in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area have charitable programs.
  • Check with your employer to find out if there is a Gift-Matching Program in existence and take advantage of it
  • The purpose of Employee Matching Gifts Programs is to encourage employees, both active and retired, to support their communities by stimulating and magnifying their gifts to nonprofit organizations. These programs offer employees, and in some cases retirees, an opportunity to join in their company's support of not-for-profit organizations.
  • Each employer is different in how they determine what qualifies for matching funds.  Contact your Human Resources department to investigate or check their Web site to find out what your options are.
  • Although procedures for matching gift programs vary, matching gift forms may usually be obtained through the employer's human resources office. The employee sends the signed form with a check made payable to Rolling Terrace PTA.  The rest is handled by the School PTA and the employer. 
  • The Federal Tax ID for Rolling Terrace is 52-6070552.  Please send contributions to: PTA Matching Gift Program, 705 Bayfield Street, Takoma Park, MD 20912.
  • Your gift and your employer's Match Gift are tax-deductible.
  • Thank you for your generous time and support!

Boxtops for Education

Each boxtop coupon collected by students from General Mills products earns 10¢ for Rolling Terrace. Clip Box Tops coupons from hundreds of your favorite products found at your local grocery store. A box will be located in the main lobby at school for dropoff.  Start saving those coupons! 

Campbell's Label for Education

The Label for Education program is a great way to get FREE merchandise for our school, and Campbell makes is so easy to redeem labels. To meet our goals, we need to collect 5,000 labels. With your help, the Rolling Terrace Elementary School can make this year the best ever.

Participating in the program is easy – simply save labels from Campbell products and send them to your morning teacher. We will send shortly a flyer on the Wednesday folder with all the participating products.

Triple your efforts by asking your friends, family and neighbors to collect labels on behalf or our school. Community members can pledge their support by making a Community Label Pledge at Simply invite friends and family to visit the website and click into the "Community Label Pledge”. If you have any questions, or would like to help with our Labels for Education collection drive, please contact Leslie Hall.

Office Depot

Office Depot supports schools and communities through the 5% Back to Schools program. RT receives credits for FREE supplies when you shop at Office Depot for student school supplies.  Rolling Terrace’s ID number for this program is 70047456. Any cashier can help you find the number for RT--but please remember to mention this program at check out so that RT can benefit. The program runs all year long at all Office Depot stores!

Field House

Field House is a clothing company that creates custom clothing for schools.  Please visit the site and consider helping our school by purchasing customized Rolling Terrace clothing and other items: 

Snider Foods

Save Snider’s receipts all year and send them in. We receive 1% of all sales. Snider's is a grocery store located in Silver Spring on Seminary Rd. near Georgia Ave., 


Enroll your Target Visa card in the Take Charge of Education program. Enter the requested info for Rolling Terrace Elementary School at and the school gets a % of your purchases. This program does not require annual renewal, but be sure to update your school selection if you originally signed up for a different school.

Community Partnerships and Corporate Sponsors

Community groups and local businesses contribute to our goal of excellence in education at Rolling Terrace. Here are two who have been generous to our school:

  • Strosniders Hardware donated traffic cones and safety vests for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times at school.  They also donated a weather station to Rolling Terrace.   A big thanks goes out to Jeff Smith at the Silver Spring Strosniders for supporting Rolling Terrace Elementary School.  
  • Johnson's Florist & Garden Centers donated a gift certificate to Rolling Terrace's Landscaping Committee. A large clay pot was purchased with this money. It will be used to display seasonal flowers in the front garden or in one of the two interior courtyards. Also, our very own Mr. Jones' dad works at Johnson's and they kindly donated over $100 worth of flowers for Gardening Day! There are some pansies and some violas of various colors that were planted.