Study Strategies
How do you study for:
- Math?
- World Studies?
- Science?
- English?
- Spanish?
- Physical Education?
- Arts classes?
Is the information you are trying to learn:
- Vocabulary?
- Language?
- Math?
- Concepts?
- Facts?
- Trends and patterns?
- Theories?
Study Strategies for Different Types of Information
There are several different ways to study different kinds of information. The following are suggestions for ways you may find success learning information and retaining it for assessments that measure your understanding.
FLASH CARDS to rehearse the information as you create them, test yourself once they are made, hear the information as you read them aloud, and visualize the information in your own handwriting:
RE-WRITING NOTES to rehearse the information as you re-write them, listen to the information as you read them aloud, and visualize the information in your own handwriting:
- Science
- World Studies
- Math
- English
- Foreign Language
- Physical Education
- Arts classes
SUMMARIZING to help yourself pull out the main ideas. Write out the summaries to rehearse the information, listen to the information as you read it aloud, and visualize the information in your own handwriting:
- Science
- World Studies
- Math
- English
- Foreign Language
- Physical Education
- Arts classes
MODELS, ROLE PLAYS, AND MANIPULATIVES to actively demonstrate information:
- Science
- World Studies
- Math
- English
- Foreign Language
- Physical Education
- Arts classes
MOCK QUESTIONS to create a practice assessment that allows you to practice responding to questions about the subject matter you are trying to learn:
- Science
- World Studies
- Math
- English
- Foreign Language
- Physical Education
- Arts classes
STUDY BUDDY to offer you the opportunity to study with another person and discuss and act out the information you are attempting to learn. This offers chances for meaningful connections to the subject matter making recall of the information a bit easier:
- Science
- World Studies
- Math
- English
- Foreign Language
- Physical Education
- Arts classes