PTSG Board for 2022-23


President: Terri Clausen (son Ethan Clausen)                                    

Vice President: Michelle Tran (son Dante Yu)               

Treasurer: Marie Novak (son Henry Novak)   

PTSG Virtual Link for the Year

Join Zoom Meeting ID: 830 0884 1476Passcode: 755194

Meeting Dates: 10/10, 11/14, 12/12, 1/9, 2/13, 3/13, 4/17, 5/8, 6/12

Welcome to the Rock Terrace Parent-Teacher Student Group (PTSG).  We are an active, supportive community of parents, teachers, and staff. As the parent or guardian of a Rock Terrace School student, you are a member of this community.

The PTSG is active in supporting opportunities for our students to develop the social skills necessary to get along with and enjoy other people, and to get along in life.  We sponsor extra-curricular social events for the students about once a month, including a fall festival, dances, and dinners.  In addition, two to three times a year we host a breakfast or luncheon to show our appreciation for our wonderful staff and teachers.  In recent years, we have also sponsored a DJ for the dances and the school prom, and we provide snacks at school events, such as field day.

The money which pays for these activities comes from our PTSG dues, which are only $15 a year, and from admission to our evening events.  Although we sometimes receive donations from individuals or community organizations, our small annual dues payment accounts for most of our budget.  We are all volunteers: board members, event chairs, and helpers.  All of the money donated goes back to support programming for students at Rock Terrace School.  Please join us in supporting the school in this way. 

We ask that all PTSG members who can afford to do so support the organization by contributing $15 per family per year.  (If you cannot afford that amount, we appreciate whatever you are able to give.  If you can afford to give a little more, we will be happy to accept it.)  Remember: all the money is used for student activities or staff appreciation. 

So please, be an active part of this all-volunteer organization. Our children need everyone to help to the extent that they can.  Rock Terrace is a small school, but if each does his/her part, together we can make a difference in our students’ lives and education.  It really does “take a village” — moms, dads, grandparents, siblings, relatives and friends ---to raise a child.  To volunteer, send a message to the directly to the PTSG President at the school (see address below or send in with your student).  You can use the form below to pay your dues and to volunteer your services.  Thank you very much!