Student Service Learning (SSL) Hours at Ridgeview Middle School
CLICK to learn about MCPS Shared SSL Opportunities
Ridgeview SSL Coordinators (added 9/26/24)
Please click on the link below for all SSL Opportunities,
Resources, Forms & Contacts
NEW SSL Opportunity! (For April 2, 2025 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm)
Brown Station Elementary School is putting on a Literacy and Math Night for students and families.
We need student volunteers to help run games and activities that support elementary math and reading.
We would need volunteers on April 2, 2025 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Dinner will be provided in the form of school pizza.
Browns Station is a dual language school and would love if some of the volunteers were comfortable conversing with families and students in Spanish. This is not a requirement but a serious plus – awesome opportunity to practice Spanish skills learned at school as well!
Here is a Sign-Up Genius link for student volunteers.
GYC & Gaithersburg Public Library SSL Opportunity
Get your service learning hours while helping others in the weekly “Reading Buddies” service program sponsored by GYC. You will be reading books/stories to an individual or group of children at the Gaithersburg Public Library.
The “Reading Buddies” program occurs every Monday throughout the school year. You do NOT have to participate every Monday- just as often as you’d like! Permission forms can be found in the media center or HERE.
Student Service Learning is a Graduation Requirement!
Here are is a flow chart that may help students better understand MCPS student Student Service Learning (SSL) program.
English: Flowchart in color
Flowchart in Black & White
Programa de Aprendizaje Mediante Servicio Estudiantil (Student Service Learning-SSL) de Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)
Español: diagrama de flujo en color
diagrama de flujoen en blanco y negro
For SSL hours to be reflected on a student’s report card, please submit all SSL forms by the recommended due dates.
Most Important Form
SSL Verification Form 560-51