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Equity Audit Results

Between December 2020 and July 2022, MCPS contracted with the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, Inc. (MAEC) to conduct a systemwide antiracist audit of MCPS’s practices, policies, and system. The intent of the audit was to identify ways to increase access, opportunities, and equitable outcomes for every student’s academic and social-emotional wellbeing, in six areas: (1) school culture, (2) workforce diversity, (3) work conditions, (4) curriculum, (5) community relations and engagement, and (6) equity of access.

Here are the results for Judith A. Resnik Elementary School.

Antiracist Audit

Student absence form / Formulario de ausencia del estudiante

Click here / Haga clic aquí

Register for School Cash Online

Activate an account today so you will be notified via email and pay for your child(ren)’s school activity fees online.

Active una cuenta hoy para que se le notifique por correo electrónico y pague las cuotas de actividades escolares de su(s) hijo(s) en línea.

Instructions in English - Instructions in Spanish

Volunteer or Chaperone at Resnik!

Information for volunteers