Redland Back to School Resources 2024-2025
Click on the link to view information including registration procedures, new student orientation, bus route schedules, supply lists, ice cream socials and bell schedules.
Weekly Bulldog Blast 2023-2024
The Bulldog Blast is a weekly posting of important reminders to help you stay involved and engaged in your student's upcoming events at Redland Middle School.
RMS PTA Letter
Please click here to read a special letter from the RMSPTA thanking this year's volunteers and for postings for next year's PTA leadership roles alongside the incoming PTA President Shivaun Wilkinson.
Integrated Pest Management Annual Notification
Click on this link to review the annual Integrated Pest Management Annual Notification.
Report Attendance @ 240-740-0905
In the event that a student is unable to attend school please report the absence to the main office.
Technology Support for Parents
Click on the link below for resources and guides for technology support including how to access ParentVue. In addition, view webinars to learn how to support your student(s) with Zoom, myMCPS, ParentVUE, and your MCPS Digital Backpack.
Redland Middle School Required Health and Immunization Forms
In compliance with the Maryland Department of Health, parents of rising 6th graders must complete the attached health and immunization forms prior to the start of the 2022- 2023 school year.