Students at Quince Orchard have a variety of different Honor Societies that they can join or turn to for help and tutoring.  Each of these societies are instrumental in the success of our school and we applaud these students for their accomplishments and thank them for their help.  For details about any society, see their individual information section below.

  • American Sign Language Honor Society
  • Educators Rising
  • French Honor Society
  • International Thespian Society
  • Latin Honor Society
  • Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society
  • National Art Honor Society
  • National Chinese Honor Society
  • National English Honor Society
  • National Honor Society
  • National Science Honor Society
  • National Technical Honor Society
  • Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society
  • Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
  • Spanish Honor Society
  • Tri-M Music Honor Society

American Sign Language Honor Society

Sponsor:  Mrs. Combs

Officers: President: N/A, Vice President: N/A, Secretary: N/A, Historian: N/A

Website: http://aslhonorsociety.org/  

Tutoring: Is now in room 218.  Please contact the president or Mrs. Combs for more information.  

Description:  The ASL National Honor Society  was established in 2006.  Its primary mission is to encourage and recognize high academic achievement in ASL studies for high school and college/university students.

Application process:  Please see Mrs. Combs or another board member.

Educators Rising

Sponsor: Mrs. Seid

Officers: TBA

Description: Educators Rising is a national student organization dedicated to supporting young people interested in education-related careers. It is a federally recognized Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO). As the co-curricular component of state-recognized Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study, Educators Rising enhances the classroom experience for students enrolled in Education and Training career cluster programs. Educators Rising is part of the Phi Delta Kappa International family of associations, which includes: Pi Lambda Theta, a collegiate honor society for aspiring educators, PDK International, a professional association for educators with over 100 years of history, and publisher of the renowned Kappan magazine.   

French Honor Society

SponsorMs. Yu 

Officers: Lauren Clark, Eddie Bedore, Isis Neil 

Tutoring: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at lunch in room 220 from 11:30 to the end of lunch.

Meetings: Members attend a mandatory meeting at the start of the school year to learn about FHS responsibilities. Then they tutor on a rotating schedule and participate in various cultural activities to earn credits throughout the year.

Description: We are an Honor Society of high-achieving students who are dedicated to French. We love learning the French language, exploring its culture, and helping fellow students who are learning French. From time to time, we host events to celebrate Francophone culture, such as conversation circles, French board game parties, and a Mardi Gras party. Once a year, we organize a Mini Tour de France tricycle relay race to raise money for the French humanitarian organization Médecins sans frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Applications to join FHS are available in the spring. Vive le français, youpi!!

International Thespian Society

Sponsors: Mrs. Vogel & Teacher Land

President: Hayden Polsky
VP of Activities: Fiona Bradford
VP Publicity: Hayley Asai
VP Technology: Patrick Barrett
Secretary: Catherine Brady
Treasurer: Laurel Snow
Historian: Jordan Richard

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/qohs-theatre/home?authuser=0 

Description: Description: Quince Orchard High School is home to Thespian Troupe #4444 of ITS, an international collection of students passionate about theatrical arts. The society recognizes the achievements of actors, crew members, and musicians who participate in the theatrical arts by awarding points for involvement in QO Theatre productions. Application process: Students are inducted each spring after receiving the 10 points necessary to be a part of the International Thespian Society. One point is earned by completing approximately 10 hours of work in the theatre department. We also recognize students who reach 30 points, and students who reach 60 points receive a special honor and a cord at graduation.

Latin Honor Society

Sponsor:Mr. Lynch

Description: The purpose of the Latin Honor Society is to increase understanding of Roman culture and to engage its members in charitable, altruistic, social and beneficial activities as they arise.

Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society

SponsorMs. Patel  

Officers: Josie Belkin & Mandy Vendittis

Website:   http://www.mualphatheta.org

Tutoring: Members tutor every day during lunch in room # 311 students participate on a rotating schedule.

Description:Mu Alpha Theta is the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society (founded in 1957) with over 88,000 student members in more than 1,800 schools. It recognizes and encourages those students who enjoy and excel in mathematics. The name Mu Alpha Theta was constructed from the Greek lettering for the phonemes mu, alpha, and theta.

Application Process: Students can apply to be in the honors society in the fall. See Mrs. Patel to get Application form.

Criteria for membership: Criteria for membership: Must be a Junior or Senior, Un-weighted GPA of 3.5 or above on a 4-point scale, Earned a grade of B or above in all math courses taken, Enrolled or completed any AP level Math course. 

National Art Honor Society

SponsorMr. Lundquist
Description: The National Art Honor Society is made up of students who excel in the Fine Arts and have a strong appreciation for expression of creativity. Our goal is to help the community and school become involved in various art related activities while strengthening our bond as artists. We are dedicated to raising money and volunteering our time and skills to those in need. See the NAHS page for more information.

National Chinese Honor Society

SponsorMs. Chu

Officers: President - Jocelyn Wong, Vice President - Sophia White, Treasurer - Deeya Mistry, Secretary - Stephen Wu                       

Website: http://www.Classk12.org                                                                 

Tutoring: Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 222 during lunch.               

Description: The National Chinese Honor Society was established in November 1993 with the objective to acknowledge the superior achievement of secondary students studying Chinese as a second language. The National Chinese Honor Society not only recognizes high scholastic achievement but also good character, leadership, and services. We learn the Chinese language and culture through different activities, such as the Chinese New Year Celebration and cultural activities. Please reach out to Ms. Chu for details about the application process

National English Honor Society

Sponsor: Ms. Baker

Officers: Elections will be held this Spring. Stay tuned!

Meetings: Officer meetings and whole-group meetings are called periodically, throughout the school year.

Description: The National English Honor Society is open to all juniors and seniors who have maintained an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Applications are usually accepted in the spring.  Inductions occur at the Honor Societies Ceremony, usually held in May.  Members pay dues of $15.00 when they apply, which covers their graduation cords and their national fees.  Members of the National English Honor Society are expected to earn student service learning hours each semester in order to maintain active status.  All members of the NEHS act with the highest ethical standards in order to promote excellence in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

National Honor Society

Sponsor: Jenifer Soykan

Officers: President – Sophie Mansuri, VP – Selena Nguyen, Historian – Kathryn Crane, and Tutoring Coordinator - Devon May

Website: http://www.nhs.us/  

Description:  The National Honor Society (NHS), established in 1921, is a recognition program for American high school students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Juniors with a 3.5 GPA, leadership experiences, and school and community service are eligible to submit a packet in the spring and fall. Morning announcements and announcements on the QO webpage will be posted with information and dates. Induction for new members is in May. 

Application: Students can apply to be in the NHS in the Fall (Seniors Only) or Spring. 

Important Dates: 

  • Friday, April 28, 2023: Application is due. The application packet can be found here: NHS Application 2023
  • Tuesday, May 23rd, 2022: Induction Ceremony at 7pm

National Science Honor Society

Sponsor: Mr. Boettcher

Officers: President: Charis Wang, VP: Emma Bossard, Secretary: Lauren Pyon, Historian: Gary Bellomy-Holub

Meetings: We won't meet in person due to covid restrictions.

Description: SNHS is a prominent scientific organization that will engender a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America.

National Technical Honor Society

SponsorMrs. Adams 

Officers: Presidents - Brandon Linchuck & Lily Sweeney, Vice President - Natalie Hashemi, Secretary - Hanieh Hootkany, Treasurer - Ellie Yoon

Website: https://www.nths.org/

Description: The National Technical Honor Society offers students in Programming, Gaming, Networking, Child Development, and Project Lead The Way courses membership in a prestigious society. All members must be completing or have completed at least two years of their subject matter to be eligible for membership. Members also offer tutoring to students in their respective courses.

Quill and Scroll Journalism Honor Society

Sponsors: Ms. Mangan and Ms. Cooley-Klein

Description: The Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists was organized April 10, 1926, at the University of Iowa by renowned pollster George H. Gallup and a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication. Since its founding, school charters have been granted to more than 14,267 high schools in all 50 states and 44 foreign countries. This is the highest journalistic honor bestowed upon a high school student. 

Application Process:

  • Students must be of junior or senior standing 
  • Students must be in upper third of their class scholastically either for the year of their nomination, or for the cumulative total of all their high school work. 
  • Students must have done superior work in some phase of journalism or school publications—writing, editing, broadcasting, video, etc… 
  • Students must have been recommended by the publication advisor or publications governing committee.

Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society

Sponsor: Mrs. Keune 

Officers: President: Mia Kauffman, VP of Service: Madison Monkevich, VP of Activities: Samantha Harris, Treasurer: Noah Carino, Historian: Phoebe Dubois

Description: QO Rho Kappa membership is conferred during the second semester of the junior year. A student must have and maintain an overall 3.0 GPA (unweighted) to be a member. In addition, the following qualifications must be met and maintained . A member must have completed three required Social Studies classes and two elective Social Studies class by the end of their senior year. A member must maintain a 3.5 GPA (unweighted) in all Social Studies classes and have earned NO C's in ANY Social Studies class.A member must have completed at least one of their Social Studies classes at the AP level, prior to completion of their senior year. To maintain membership, a member must complete at least 5 volunteer hours each semester by volunteering to serve as a tutor for Social Studies classes during lunch or serving in another capacity to assist in a Social Studies activity (ie. Visiting Springfield Hospital with the Psychology club).

Spanish Honor Society

Sponsor:  Mrs. McEldowney

Officers: President. - Isadora Kaufman, VP - Kimberly Guillen, Secretary - Arely Yanez,  Historian - Tahsin Haque

Tutoring: The members of the society offer tutoring services Tuesday and Thursday in room 221 and in each of the Spanish teachers’ rooms. Members must tutor at least 3 times per semester. A schedule will be made at the beginning of each semester. Members receive SSL hours for tutoring.

Description: The Spanish Honor Society recognizes high achievement in Spanish (and Portuguese) by students of secondary schools and promotes continuity of interest in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies. The SHH is classified as a national and international academic honor society in the study of high school Spanish and Portuguese and is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Inc.(AATSP). A regularly enrolled student of a secondary school (grades 9-12) who has maintained an honor average in the study of Spanish or Portuguese for at least three semesters and is currently enrolled in SSS or Spanish 4 or higher is eligible for membership in the Society. The student must be enrolled in the study of the language at the time of initiation. No initiation is to take place earlier than the tenth grade.The Quince Orchard HS Chapter is named after Alejandro Casona, a Spanish poet and playwright.  Inductions are held in the Spring.  Students may obtain application forms at that time from their Spanish teacher to be reviewed and approved by the sponsor.

Application Process:  A regularly enrolled student of a secondary school (grades 9-12) who has maintained an honor average (3.5) in the study of Spanish or Portuguese for at least three semesters and is currently enrolled in SSS or Spanish 4 or higher is eligible for membership in the Society and have a 3.0 overall average (unweighted).. The student must be enrolled in the study of the language at the time of initiation and remain in the language throughout all years of high school. No initiation is to take place earlier than the tenth grade. Inductions are held in the Spring.  Students may obtain application forms at that time from their Spanish teacher to be reviewed and approved by the sponsor.  

Tri-M Music Honor Society

Sponsor: Mrs. Robyn Kleiner-Vilgos

Description: The three M initials stand for Modern Music Masters. The purpose of this organization is to inspire music participation, create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, and promote leadership in the music students of secondary schools.

Application Process: The application window is open during the first two months of school.  Students music complete an application and an audition on their primary instrument.  Applications and more detailed information can be found on the Tri-M bulletin board in the music hallway.