Health Room

charmayne alexiander

Ms. Alexander

Health Technician 

Hours: 8:30am – 3:30pm

Direct Phone Number:  301-270-1614


If your child is not feeling well

If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home until they are well enough to actively participate in school. Students who have a fever of 100 or above are not permitted to attend school. Additionally, students must be free of a fever without fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school. It is our intent to prevent the spread of communicable diseases in the school setting.

Handwashing is the best way to help prevent the spread of germs. Please have a discussion with your kids and emphasize the importance of handwashing during the school day.

A note on medication policy

Children should receive medications at home whenever possible. In the event that your child needs to receive medication at school, please refer to our school policy below regarding the administration of medication.

  1. All medications, including over the counter medications, require a Physician’s written authorization. Authorization to Administer  Medication, MCPS form #525-13 This form may be downloaded from the MCPS Website.
  2. Prescription medications must be provided in a container with the pharmacist's label attached, the name of the child and the dosage printed on the label.
  3. For the safety of your student, as well as other students at school, all medications must be delivered to the school by a parent, guardian or designated adult.
  4. Students may "self carry" emergency medications such as Epi-pens and inhalers with a physician's order and approval by the School Community Health Nurse. The written order will be kept on file in the health room. 
  5. Under no circumstances may students “self carry” or self administer other medications in the school setting (prescription or over the counter) unless the above written orders are on file in the health room.
  6. Under no circumstances will the school administer medications or allow children to take medication that does not follow the above policy. 

As always please feel free to contact the health room at 301-891-8000 with any questions or concerns.

Preventing Disease 

Health Issues