Sponsor: Ms. Iris Schwarz
no club meeting times for the 21-22 school year
sign up for the yearbook class next year
The yearbook staff is responsible for producing an end-of-the-year book that captures the experiences of students and staff at Northwood during a typical school year. Students create layouts, take photographs, and chronicle important events.
School-Sponsored Publications
School-sponsored publications such as newspapers, yearbooks, and literary magazines are encouraged. Students have the right to decide on the contents of these publications as long as the contents meet specific guidelines. The materials of production may be disapproved if the content or activity:
- Is in violation of law or MCPS policies and/or regulations
- Poses a potential threat to the health and/or safety of students
- Might reasonably be perceived to advocate teen drug, alcohol, and tobacco use; violence; teen sex; illegal discrimination; or illegal activities
- Contains language that is obscene, libelous, slanderous, or profane
- Cause or might reasonable be predicted to cause substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities
These guidelines will not be used to prevent responsible discussion of issues (e.g. editorials, letters to the editor). School newspapers will give students and other community members a chance to express their viewpoints.
Advertisements in school-sponsored publications will follow these rules:
Advertisements that contain the names and/or pictures of people who are not public figures must be authorized (public figures include celebrities and people who hold a government office). Advertisements that contain company trademarks also must be authorized.
If the advertisement might be confused with a news story or some other part of a publication, it must be labeled as an advertisement.
Advertisements must be submitted under the name(s) of the people or companies sponsoring them.
When possible, advertisements will be preceded by a statement explaining that the advertising does not reflect the viewpoint or policies of the editors, Northwood, or Board of Education.