Northwest High School College Application Resources

Home Page | Office of Admissions

On-Page Quick Links:

| Northwest Guides ♦ Transcript Requests ♦ Colleges Still Accepting Applications ♦ College Application Fee Waivers including waivers issued as part of the Maryland College Application Campaign (MCAC)♦ The Common App & Black Common App ♦
The Coalition for College Access Platform ♦ The College Essay
Application Components, Resume & Terms ♦ 
The College Interview
Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) | MHEC & the Academic Common Market
The HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities
The Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) A Video Tutorial |

How Important is Demonstrated Interest in the College Application Review?  Find out HERE.

Northwest College Application Guides:


Transcript Requests:

  • Class of 2023 FINAL TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM| post 8 May 2023 |
  • Authorization to Release Records Form must be completed and on file in the Counseling Office before any records (including transcripts) can be released.
  • Transcript Requests Google Form. Form access for the 2023-2024 College Application Cycle will resume in September 2023. | updated 8 May 2023 |
    • Mid-Year Transcript Requests:  To request a mid-year transcript, please complete this form. Mid-year transcripts will be available to be sent from our registrar's office around the middle of February.  Do not use this form for INITIAL transcript requests. Form access will resume in the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Scholarship Transcript Request Form 


College Application Fee Waiver Information & Maryland College Application Campaign (MCAC*) Resources:

*Maryland College Application Campaign (MCAC) waiver opportunities will post here when available.


The Common App & Black Common App:


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The College Essay Resources:

  • Essay Brainstorming | 3 August 2023 post |
  • The College Essay presented by the Montgomery College Writing Center
  • The College Essay Summer Workshop recording presented by College Wise.
  • Brainstorming for an Outstanding Personal Essay on YouTube with The College Essay Guy presented to MCPS high school students 
  • From  How to Write an Essay and Get Into Harvard.  This is a free resource made available to MCPS high school students.  Email is required to access the document.

College Resume | Application Components | Terms:

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The HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities):

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