NBMS picnic for 6th grade & new to NBMS families

Dear NBMS 6th Grade and New Families, 

We could not be more excited to have everyone come together for our 2023 Welcome Picnic! Parents, please plan to join your students for this opportunity to meet new families from across the feeder elementary schools. Remember that these are the people our kids will be experiencing the joys and pains of adolescence with, and it helps us parents to have some connections as well on August 24, 2023. The first step to strengthening our parent village is signing up for a volunteer spot at the welcome picnic. The older students have really stepped up to show their support for the new kids, and we need our new parents to do the same. 

North Bethesda Middle School was named as a Green School last year because of the work we've been doing to address climate change and conservation challenges. In support of these efforts, we're asking guests to bring their own refillable water bottles to use at the picnic. In return we're holding a raffle for those who BYO (reusable water) Bottle. We will have a limited supply of beverages for sale, but really hope that everyone will come with their own reusable containers. Change starts with us:) 

Enjoy these last days of summer and we look forward to seeing you later this week. 


Your Dedicated PTSA Social Team