Student and Parent Information Resources

North Bethesda Middle School Health Room (240)740-2102

Donna Carter-Way, RN, MSN -School Community Health Nurse, Montgomery County

Rona Gregory, Health Technician

NBMS NAACP Representatives:

Carol Walls

School Bus Information

MCPS School Bus website 

Bus Depot: 301-469-1140   (have bus# available when you call)


Report an Absence    

  • Call the Attendance Line at 240-740-2101 by 9am.    

Upon return to school, send a note to the main office: include student's full name, grade, dates and reason for absence. You can use this  Attendance Note template for Absences, Tardies, or Early Dismissals.  MCPS requires a doctor's note for absences of 5 days or more. For an absence of 3 days or longer, homework may be requested by calling the Counseling Office at 240-740-2110.

Teachers enter attendance for each period into Synergy, the attendance system. All class absences generate an automated call/email to parents. If you believe there is an error, please contact the teacher and the attendance office. 

Early Dismissals  

Students should deliver a signed note from home to the main office the morning of the early dismissal. The note should include student's full name, grade, date, time, and reason. You can use this attendance note template. The student receives a pass, and shows it to the teacher to be excused early. Students are not permitted to leave class without a pass. Students must wait inside the main office for parent pick-up.  

Late/Tardy to School

Students are deemed late to school if not seated in class by 8:15 am. Students late more than 4 times will receive an administrative consequence. Late-arriving students should report immediately to the main office and sign in on the green late arrival sheet. The student presents an attendance note to the attendance secretary. Students are issued a pass to class. No student will be admitted late to a class without a pass. The classroom teacher then corrects attendance.    

Late/Tardy to Class

Tardiness is defined as a failure to be seated in class ready to work when the bell rings. NBMS has the expectation that students arrive to each class on time; teachers will work with students to develop good habits. If a pattern of tardiness develops, teachers will confer with the student, assign detention, and/or contact parents. If a student is in a previous class/activity late, a pass is required to enter class late.

Attendance Codes

 Here are the more common attendance codes you will see.


School Lunches


Students can't learn if they are hungry!  

Here is information on cafeteria meals, free & reduced applications, and how to make prepayments to your lunch account. 

If dropping off a check for the lunch account, bring it in the morning, not during the hectic lunchtimes. is a service which allows you to make payments to your child’s cafeteria account on-line with a credit/debit card. Once the account is established, you can check balances, view student purchases, set up recurring payments, and receive low balance e-mail notification. Payments to the account take at least 24 hours to become available. Enroll Now


General Information