
MCPS Middle School Curriculum Information

English Department Staff:

Advanced English Grades 6-8:

Starting this fall, all Neelsville Middle School students will begin interacting and engaging with the StudySync English Language Arts curriculum. StudySync’s comprehensive multimedia content—which is available 24/7 from any desktop, tablet, or mobile device—will be an invaluable resource for students. StudySync’s Core ELA curriculum was built from the ground up to fully align with the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. StudySync ensures all students are ready for college, career, and civic life in the 21st century.

Read 180

READ 180 is an intensive reading intervention program designed to meet the needs of students. The program directly addresses individual needs through adaptive instruction software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading skills.

Inspire Literacy (iLit)

The iLit Model for Blended Learning combines adaptive technology and teacher-led instruction to help students become proficient readers, writers, speakers, and critical thinkers.

English Language Development (ELD):

At Neelsville Middle School, we are proud of our diverse, multilingual, and multicultural population. Every student is important and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with everyone else. We work hard to ensure that every student succeeds. The goal of the English language development department is to empower ELD students to master academic English to thrive in school, college, careers, and as global citizens.

ELD classes are offered to students who score from 1.0-4.4 on the WIDA Access Test. Students are placed in levels according to their scores.

  • English 6, 7, or 8 for English Learners I (WIDA score 1.0-1.9)

  • English 6,7, or 8 for English Learners II (WIDA score 2.0-2.9)

  • English 6, 7, or 8 for English Learners III (WIDA score 3.0-3.9)

English/Language Arts (Grade 6) courses build upon students’ prior knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, word usage, and the mechanics of writing and usually include the four aspects of language use: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Typically, these courses introduce and define various genres of literature, with writing exercises often linked to reading selections. These courses also provide an explanation of the English language, enabling students to progress from a beginning level of understanding of English vocabulary and grammatical structures to a more comprehensive grasp of various formal and informal styles of using academic English in the context of English/Language Arts

Advanced English 6, 7, or 8 (WIDA score 4.0-4.4)

Advanced ELs will receive the Advanced English curriculum with ELD scaffolded instruction by an English/ELD or ELD-certified teacher.

ERE Grading / Assessments
  • 90% of their grade is from "All Tasks / Assessments" which can include exit tickets, quizzes, unit tests, projects.
  • 10% of their grade is "Practice and Preparation" which can include classwork, homework, assignments (graded for completion).
  • All students will engage in a End of Unit Assessment (test) at the end of Quarter 3, being assessed on that quarter's material.
  • All students will be assigned an Extended Writing Project (EWP) or Extended Oral Project (EOP) for ELD 1 and 2 students each quarter. This project will be done in class and students will engage in a writing/speaking process in which the teacher will solicit feedback before, during, and after the project.
  • Students will take MAP-R three times during the year (September, January, and April) to track their growth