Health Room

Welcome to our health room! Our health room is staffed daily by a school health room aide in addition to a school community health nurse. We provide first aid during school on an as-needed basis as well as maintain health records which include immunization records, physicals, and screenings for each student. This year we are staffed by Tami VanVeldhuisen, School Community Health Nurse and Michelle Barkdoll, School Health Room Aide.
Health Room Contact Info
Phone: 240-740-5832
Fax: 301-942-1025
General Announcements
Hearing and Vision Screening: May 13–16 for all 8th graders and new students to MCPS (see information below)
In accordance with Maryland State Law, students in Montgomery County Public Schools are screened for possible vision and hearing problems. Trained hearing and vision screeners will be screening students new to MCPS, students in Grade 8 and students referred by teachers because of possible signs of hearing or vision problems. The screeners will be at Loiederman MS on May 13–16.
Children who do not see clearly or are unable to hear what their teacher and classmates are saying have a harder time learning at school.
If your child fails the screening, you will receive a referral form, via US mail, to take to your child’s doctor If your child is already under care for a hearing or vision problem, or you do not wish your child to be screened at school because of conflicts with your religious beliefs, please notify the school nurse in writing.
If your child wears glasses or contacts, they should wear them every day and bring them to the screening.
School based vision screenings may not detect every vision problem. To learn more about possible vision problems and symptoms or health conditions that may require additional evaluation go to Montgomery County Government’s website at this link:
Contact your school’s nurse if you have questions about your child’s screening.
De acuerdo con las Leyes del Estado de Maryland, los estudiantes de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS), son examinados para identificar problemas de vista y de audición. Personas que han sido entrenadas estarán examinando la vista y la audición de los estudiantes que han sido matriculados por primera vez en MCPS, incluyendo la de los estudiantes en grado 8 y aquellos estudiantes cuyos nombres han sido remitidos por sus maestros porque han demostrado señales de que posiblemente tengan problemas con la vista o de audición. Los estudiantes de Loiederman serán examinados Mayo 13-16
Los estudiantes que no puedan ver claramente o no puedan escuchar lo que sus maestros o compañeros están diciendo tienen mucha dificultad para aprender en la escuela.
Si el estudiante no pasa el examen de vista o de audición usted recibirá un formulario por correo con nuestra recomendación para que lleve al estudiante a su doctor.
Si el estudiante ya ha sido examinado y está bajo tratamiento por problemas de visión o audición, o si usted no desea que el estudiante sea examinado en la escuela por conflictos con sus creencias religiosas, por favor escríbale una carta a la enfermera de la escuela y hágaselo saber.
Si el estudiante usa anteojos o lentes de contacto, ellos deben usarlos todos los días y llevarlos puestos el día del examen.
Es posible que las evaluaciones escolares de vista y audición no detecten todos los problemas de la vista. Para averiguar más sobre los posibles problemas de vista y síntomas, o condiciones de salud que pueden requerir de exámenes adicionales visite el sitio de web del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos del Condado de Montgomery, en el siguiente enlace:
Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de la evaluación de su hijo(a), por favor póngase en contacto con la enfermera escolar.
Attention 6th Grade Parents

Students entering 7th grade school year are REQUIRED to have proof of the following immunizations:
Tdap (Tetanus-diphtheria-accellular pertussis)
MCV4 (Meningococcal)
If your child has had these immunizations already- please bring documentation to the health room at any time.
If your child has not received these immunizations, please contact your child’s health care provider and make an appointment to receive these.
If you have any questions, please contact the health room at 301-929-6921.
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Immunization Clinic Schedule
Preventing the Flu CDC Eng
Prevenir la influenza CDC
What should I do?
1. Keep your child home from school if you suspect he/she may have the flu. Do NOT send your child to school if he/she has a fever.
2. Make sure the school has a current, working phone number where you can be reached should your child become ill at school.
3. Have an emergency transportation plan in place should your child need to be picked up at school during the days.
How can I prevent the flu?
*Get the Flu shot
For more information about the upcoming clinics and the FluMist, visit the following websites:
The injectable seasonal flu vaccine will be available, at no charge, at other DHHS flu clinics at various locations in the county, October through December. Visit or call 311 for county locations. The Flu vaccine may also be available from your health care provider
*Wash hands often and for at least 20 seconds
Medication forms are required for any medications to be given in school. This is for both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Medication forms are available from the health room or at the following link:
IMPORTANT: This form MUST be signed by both the parent and the health care provider. All medications must be brought by an adult and in it’s original container with the completed form.

In order to attend school, every student must be in compliance with the immunizations required by the state of Maryland. If you are not in compliance, you will be notified by the health room. If you require assistance receiving immunizations, please let us know. For current immunization requirements for the State of Maryland, please go to:
For a copy of an immunization certificate go to:
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Immunization Clinic Schedule
Students need to be excluded from school if they have a fever of greater than 100.0 F, actively or have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Please do not send students to school who are ill after giving them medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please update the health room as needed for any changes in a student’s health status. A note from a physician is required after student has been absent for 3 days. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the front office in case of emergency.

Each student participating in a school team sport must have a physical on file. This physical has to be dated within the last 2 years. (Please note- this is only for middle school. In high school the physicals need to be done every year). We also recommend a physical for in-coming 6th grade students and students new to MCPS regardless of participation in a sport so we are up-to-date on the health conditions of our students.
Michelle Barkdoll 7:45 am - 3:15 pm (Monday - Friday)
Tami VanVeldhuisen 7:30 am -3:00 pm (Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday)
Contact us by phone: 240-740-5832