Loiederman Middle school in the News/PRESS

LMS in the news:


LMS Student wins 2nd place in the MoCo Vaccine PSA Contest!

Neha Narayan entered the MoCo Vaccine PSA contest and won second place in the middle school level! The point of the contest was to spread awareness to county kids 12 and older encouraging them to get vaccinated. Neha directed her peers from a distance and edited together a 45 second PSA. Her cast includes: Valerie Merkowitz, Paulina Mann, and Lorrilee Soderstrum. You can view her PSA by clicking here https://montgomerycountymd.gov/OPI/covid-psa.html. Congratulations!!


New Principal at LMS!!

We are excited to announce that Ms. Megan McLaughlin has been appointed our school principal!



Loiederman’s original production of Together/Apart is highlighted in the MCPS Bulletin




LMS received a special acknowledgement for sumitting 25 videos in the Montgomery County's anti-vaping public service contest:



Our LMS counselor, Ms. Merino, wins MCPS counselor of the year! 




Congrats to our LMS students who participated in the Montgomery County Theatre Festival and won the first ever "Golden Spoon" Inprovisation Contest!


Congrats to LMS Students art students whose artwork is to be permanently installed at Children's National Hospital in Friendship Heights!


MCPS Approves Designs for A. Mario Loiederman's Performing Arts Center Additon 


Click here to read the article in Bethesda Magazine about Loiederman's new Performing Arts addition 


Click here to view the architectural plans for the Performing Arts Addition 


Loiederman Wins “Audience Favorite” At A Cappella Competition 


  • MCPS announced the winners of its first ever United We Learn: Combating Hate through the Arts contest, during the Board of Education’s 

May 22 meeting. Click here to read the article.

Click here if you would like to see the video.

  •  “MCPS Launches Student Contest to Combat Hate” 

Two of our students Momore A.(grade 7) and Mason L.(grade 7) participated in the Contest to Combat Hate Video for MCPS! Watch the video here: