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The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is your chance -- as a parent or guardian -- to get involved in your child's education. This national nonprofit organization is comprised of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders working toward parent involvement in  the educational success of our children.

The Kemp Mill PTA is a local unit of the national organization that is completely focused on parent and student engagement at KMES. We hold PTA meetings four times a year (in English and Spanish), as well as organize many events at the school to engage KMES students and parents.

How can parents/guardians get involved? 

The first step is by becoming a member of the KMES PTA!

The yearly dues are $10.00 per parent/guardian/teacher. Membership dues go to supporting programs and events that are outside the school's budget, such as the annual Scholastic Book Fair, Family Movie Nights, after-school programs, and school field trips, just to name of few.



You can keep up with the Kemp Mill PTA via our Google Group or you can also follow us on Facebook. That's the best place to get updates on activities, resources, and how to get involved!

How do I get more involved?

  • Become a member of the Kemp Mill PTA! That is the first and most valuable thing you can do.  You can join directly on
  • PTA Meetings are on the following dates:  
    • Everyone is welcome!
  • Participate in easy fundraising opportunities. The PTA can get a small donation when you use your Amazon Smile account linked to Kemp Mill PTA. Also, look for the pink Box Top on hundreds participating products.
  • Donate. Your donations to the PTA go directly to helping your school. Period.
  • (Back in the Building) Volunteer. Not everyone has time, but if you do volunteer, it can be a lot of fun! There are lots of things to do from setting up for an event to making a dessert for our bake sale, and volunteering at the Book Fair.  Watch the Google Group and your child's Friday Folder for opportunities.

Can you give TWO HOURS a year to support our KMES students?

 We encourage PTA members to be involved in any way that works for them! This year, we are encouraging parents and guardians to think about how they can give at least two hours of their time or talents to support the PTA’s activities.

A parent or guardian may volunteer to help at a PTA event, like the Book Fair or a Movie Night, reach out to other parents via phone or text about PTA events, attend a PTA meeting, or donate a food item for a staff/teacher appreciation event. These are just a few ways to become involved! We welcome your input and ideas!


2021-2022 PTA Board:

President: Carla Naranjo*

Vice President: Sophie Wonderly

Secretary: Sasha Lopez*

Treasurer: Sara Kirner

Membership Chair: Darlina Sosa*

Staff Appreciation Chair: Liz Homme*                                                  

*Hablamos español!


El PTA (Asociación de Padres y Maestros) es su oportunidad - como padre/madre - a involucrarse en la educación de su hijo/a. El PTA es una organización nacional sin fines de lucro de millones de familias, estudiantes, maestros, administradores y líderes empresariales y comunitarios que trabajan hacia la participación de los padres en las escuelas y el éxito educativo de sus hijos. El PTA de Kemp Mill es una "unidad" local de la organización nacional que está completamente enfocado en los padres de familias y los hijos de Kemp Mill Elementary.

La membresía en la PTA es importante para su escuela. Las cuotas van directamente a los programas de apoyo y eventos que están fuera de presupuesto de la escuela, como los programas después de la escuela y los viajes escolares. Un fuerte PTA local también tiene el oído del condado cuando se toman las decisiones presupuestarias. La membresía en el PTA de Kemp Mill no significa que se le requiere para ser voluntario para eventos de recaudación de fondos o de cualquiera de los programas. Nos encantan los voluntarios, pero entendemos que no todo el mundo tiene el tiempo. Las cuotas anuales ($10.00) son tan importantes como la participación de voluntarios.

Entonces, ¿qué está pasando?

Puede mantenerse al día con el PTA de Kemp Mill en nuestro grupo de Google. Ese es el mejor lugar para obtener avisos sobre lo que está pasando y cómo ayudar si se puede.

¿Cómo puedo obtener más involucrados?

  • Afiliación. Hágase miembro del PTA de Kemp Mill. Eso es algo muy valioso que usted puede hacer. Use este enlace:
  • Las reuniones de la PTA son en las siguientes fechas:
    • 22 de septiembre de 2020 a las 6:00 pm
    • 17 de noviembre de 2020 a las 6:00 pm
    • 2 de febrero de 2021 a las 6:00 pm
    • 4 de mayo de 2021 a las 6:00 pm
    • Todos son bienvenidos!
    • Estas reuniones son virtuales hasta nuevo aviso.
  • (Cuando Regresamos) Voluntarios. Al ser voluntario, usted muestra a su hijo/a que lo que sucede en la escuela es importante para usted y luego su hijo/a se sentirá que la escuela es importante. No todo el mundo tiene el tiempo, pero hacer de voluntariado puede ser muy divertido. Hay un montón de cosas que usted puede hacer como participar y ayudar en un evento,  hacer un postre, y ser voluntario durante la Feria de Libros.  Mira el grupo de Google y carpeta de los viernes de su hijo/a para las oportunidades de ser voluntario.
  • Donar. Sus donaciones al PTA van directamente a ayudar a la escuela de su hijo/a.


Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactar con nosotros.

  • Presidentes: Sara Kirner 
  • Vicepresidente: Esmeralda Gallo
  • Tesorera: Sophie Wonderly     
  • Secretaria: Briana Pobiner

The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is your chance -- as a parent or guardian -- to get involved in your child's education. This national nonprofit organization is comprised of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders working toward parent involvement in  the educational success of our children.

The Kemp Mill PTA is a local unit of the national organization that is completely focused on parent and student engagement at KMES. We hold PTA meetings four times a year (in English and Spanish), as well as organize many events at the school to engage KMES students and parents.

How can parents/guardians get involved? 

The first step is by becoming a member of the KMES PTA!

The yearly dues are $10.00 per parent/guardian/teacher. Membership dues go to supporting programs and events that are outside the school's budget, such as the annual Scholastic Book Fair, Family Movie Nights, after-school programs, and school field trips, just to name of few.


Can you give TWO HOURS a year to support our KMES students?

 We encourage PTA members to be involved in any way that works for them! This year, we are encouraging parents and guardians to think about how they can give at least two hours of their time or talents to support the PTA’s activities.

A parent or guardian may volunteer to help at a PTA event, like the Book Fair or a Movie Night, reach out to other parents via phone or text about PTA events, attend a PTA meeting, or donate a food item for a staff/teacher appreciation event. These are just a few ways to become involved! We welcome your input and ideas!


You can keep up with the Kemp Mill PTA via our Google Group or you can also follow us on Facebook. That's the best place to get updates on activities, resources, and how to get involved!


If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out to any of the PTA Board Members via the Kemp Mill PTA email at:  or send a text message to the PTA President at: 240-424-5561.

2021-2022 PTA Board:

President: Carla Naranjo*

Vice President: Sophie Wonderly

Secretary: Sasha Lopez*

Treasurer: Sara Kirner

Membership Chair: Darlina Sosa*

Staff Appreciation Chair: Liz Homme*                                                  

*Hablamos español!