Highland View's

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

                                                                       Laurie Burney, Counselor



Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a guide for creating safer and more effective schools by building a better environment through positive disciplinary practices. Highland View is one of 83 schools in Montgomery County that have PBIS programs.  Our team-based process includes school-wide behavioral expectations; recognizing students for displaying positive behavior; teaching and modeling [positive behavior; and procedures for intervening when students do not demonstrate appropriate behavior.


Our school-wide behavioral expectations are:


Take care of yourself

  • Come to school on time every day
  • Arrive rested and prepared for the day with all the appropriate material
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • Follow the school rules
  • Listen to the instruction of all adults
  • Stay in your assigned area unless given permission and a pass

Take care of others

  • Treat others with kindness
  • Show respect to adults at all times
  • Respect the property and personal space of others
  • Resolve conflicts by listening and talking peacefully to each other
  • Behave in a way that is safe for you and others

Take care of our school

  • Follow the school rules and procedures at all times
  • Always clean up after yourself
  • Use the bathroom properly
  • Use materials and equipment appropriately and safely in school and on the playground


The Highland View Pledge is said every morning:

As a member of the Highland View family, I _______________________, will take care of myself, others, and our school.


We recognize students when they show our behavioral expectations with Excellent Eagles:

Students and classes in grades K-2 earn 10 eagles for good behavior and are then recognized with a Big Eagle given by Ms. Zolkower.  Grade 3-5 must earn 15 Eagles before they receive a Big Eagle. Earned Eagles are tracked on charts in the foyer hallway and announced on the morning announcements. When a class reaches 10 Big Eagles, they are awarded a Perfect 10 and have their class picture taken and posted in the hallway. 


Teachers use Clip Charts to remind students of our behavioral expectations.  Everyone starts the day on green, or Ready to Learn.  If a student needs a reminder, their clip is moved to yellow, or “Think About It.”  After two reminders on yellow, a student who continues to make poor choices will move to orange, or “Teacher’s Choice.”  This may involve a conference or filling out a reflection sheet.  For behavior that is more serious, an Office Visit is required (red) where the student will discuss his or her behavior with an Administrator.


Another aspect of our PBIS program is the teaching of a social skills curriculum in classes where students are taught empathy, emotion management, and problem solving skills. Our counselor goes into all classrooms throughout the year to teach these foundational skills. A variety of curricula and materials are used, including Second Step from the Committee for Children.