ChromeBook Request form for Home Use

Please click on the title above to open the Google form to request a Chromebook. Once approved, our ITSS will assign one to your child and then give it to the media specialist to deliver. This process could take 1-2 weeks. Thank you for your patience. 

Parent Resources 

Montgomery County Public Schools

How to help my child with reading

Maryland and U.S. Depts. of Education

How to help my child with math

Gifted and talented identification and screening

How to help my special needs child


How to protect my child

Montgomery County Public Schools

  • A Parent's Guide to the Montgomery County Public Schools 
    This new publication describes a range of programs, services, and procedures in a concise and easily accessible format that will provide parents with the information and resources they need to support their children’s education.
  • MCPS Elementary School Instruction & Achievement 
    This office supports principals and teachers in the implementation of the Montgomery County Public School curriculum, instruction, and assessment program in order to increase the achievement of all students. We also communicate curriculum, instruction, and assessment information to families and the community.
  • Parent Guides to the Curriculum

Maryland Department of Education

  • Maryland State Department of Education is your online source for information on Maryland’s preK-12 public education, public libraries, and rehabilitation services.

How to help my child with reading

  • The Reading Targets chart shows where students need to be reading instructionally at the end of each quarter in Grades K-2.  In grades 3-5 the lexile ranges indicate the lexile range students need to be reading consistently throughout the year.  Students in Grades 3-5 will be using  complex text during both whole and small group instruction..  Their reading levels will be indicated as on, below or above.    

  • New Reading Level Reporting
  • Reading Level Targets chart

How to help my child with math

How to help my special needs child

  • A Guide to the Individualized Education Program 
    The purpose of this guidance is to assist educators, parents, and state and local educational agencies in implementing the requirements of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) regarding Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for children with disabilities, including preschool-aged children.

How to protect my child

Note:  This Web page contains links to pages that are outside MCPS.  MCPS does not control the content or relevancy of these pages