Model United Nations

Teacher: Ms. Julie Sanders, Model UN, Global Humainities 6 Teacher and 6th Grade Team Leader

GMS MUN Upcoming Events

Overview of MUN Class

This course is an elective and has been designed to expose students to research, speaking, writing and reading methods that will not only help students excel in Model United Nations but will support the work required of students in core content classes. Additionally, the course relies heavily on current events and global issues not only for research but to further your understanding of the role the UN plays in the events and problems that plague the world today.

It is my goal for each student to participate in at least two conferences during the school year. Last year our students participated in two virutal conferences - one with Silver Spring International MS.  Before the pandemic, students had the opportunity to participate in an international conference in Madrid, Spain and regional conferences in Williamsburg, VA and Washington DC.  A conference is a culmination of the course objectives and simulates the policy and procedures of the United Nations. Each student assumes a country, researches the perspective of the country and prepares information to be presented in the conference based on the assigned topic. Topics range from climate change, racial discrimination, gender inequality in the workplace and mass migration. Students will be supported in this process by practicing and completing mini research, speaking, reading and writing tasks throughout the year.

Where appropriate field trips, guest speakers, support from previous GMSMUN students have been scheduled to enhance a student’s learning, understanding and overall experience in the course.

Food Insecurity Day @ Gaithersburg Middle School: May 2023

MCPS-TV Coverage


Madrid, Spain: March 2019

SEK-MUN 2019 video

Delegates for the Spain Conference 

2019 Mod UN Delegation of Algeria 2019 Mod UN Delegation of Japan 2019 Mod UN Delegation of Pakistan 2019 Mod UN Delegation of Canada 2019 Mod UN ambassador 1    2019 Mod UN ambassador 2
Delegation of Algeria      Delegation of Japan Delegation of Pakistan Delegation of Canada Ambassador Ambassador

GMS Winter Model UN Conference January 2019

GMS Winter Model UN Conference 2019

 weisSpecial thanks to Weis Markets on South Frederick in Gaithersburg for donating the water and cookies for the Winter GMS Model UN Conference.

GWCIA Model UN Conference Fall 2018

 2018 GWCIA MUN conference

Madrid, Spain: March 2018

Nine students from the Model United Nations class went to Madrid, Spain to compete in an international conference! The students were able to participate in opening ceremonies at the Spanish Senate, Spain and experience the sights and sounds of Madrid throughout the week. The students worked hard and had a great time learning not only about the culture of Spain but about the process of being in the Model United Nations class! Congrats to the students for a job well done!

 2018 Madrid Pic 1 2018 Madrid Pic 2 2018 Madrid Pic 3  2018 Madrid Pic 4
 2018 Madrid Pic 5  2018 Madrid Pic 6  2018 Madrid Pic 7  2018 Madrid Pic 8


Model United Nations Camps

Interested in continuing your Model United Nations skills throughout the summer? There is a camp for you! Click on the links provided to find out more information on the different camps offered throughout the summer for middle school students. Need help applying or have additional questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Ms. Julie Sanders for support.

Conference Options (location-Georgetown University) (different locations throughout MD)


GMS at Model UN in MadridGMS at Model UN in Madrid 2016

Ms. Champagne and the GMS Model United Nations students participated in a competition in Madrid Spain from March 15-March 17, 2016. The students researched a country, made a speech, responded to questions, and worked with other countries on their committee to create resolutions to solve the issue presented. Please visit this blog to see pictures from the trip: or read this short item on the MCPS News Center.
